As mechanistic biologists, we are hoping that by understanding how the virus works at the molecular level, we will be able to predict with more accuracy how it will evolve.

I'm one of those guys: I'm out there trying to punch you out and to hurt you, but as soon as I'm done, hopefully there's nothing wrong with you; I'm hoping that you're okay.

In my years of doing the K1 fights, one thing I've learned is that the guys who you think will be there in the end - very rarely do you get the match up you were hoping for.

Personally, I am hoping being champion will increase the WWE Universe in India because I know that Indian fans are really passionate, and I want to be WWE Champion in India.

I'd like to get back into journalism. I'm hoping someone will offer me a job as a commentator or one of those political analysts that you see on the news shows all the time.

I first went to India because of my interest in yoga, hoping to go to the Iyengar Centre in Pune for a while. That didn't work out, but I ended up on a beach in Goa, writing.

I can imagine it's not attractive for the spectators when we play teams with 10 players around their own box, just defending and hoping for a set-piece or throw-in, anything.

I don't think I focused on the financial part of it, but definitely, my ambition is to be great, and that always meant that the sky was the limit for what I was hoping to do.

My parents spent 16 years hauling my butt to L.A. for audition after audition. I remember always hoping I could help take care of them because they took such good care of me.

Probably some of the projects I chose to do after that had more to do with what people thought of me. The industry was very open and probably hoping that I could do anything.

I've been acting since second grade, telling stories, making my parents laugh here and there, so I'm hoping my 'thing' is acting. But I also make a really good bread pudding.

7th Heaven is quite a hit for them now, and they are hoping to appeal to a very similar audience with our show; skewed slightly older I guess, since it's a 9:00 to 10:00 show.

Hope is not the basis for policy. Wise policymakers analyze major issues such as immigration carefully and look at facts and probabilities instead of just hoping for the best.

I never talked about launch angle, never mentioned launch angle. I know there's a lot of people probably hoping that I would say that because that's just the trend in baseball.

I am not at a level where I will be flooded with offers. Hopefully, things will change after 'Pink.' It is one film after 'Shaitan' where I am hoping things will change for me.

I'm hoping that Abu Dhabi's first piece of street art will inspire the next generation of artists the same way that the discovery of subway art inspired me all those years ago.

What the Ellison Foundation and I are hoping to encourage is a more holistic approach to psychiatry, in which psychotherapy is put on as rigorous a level as psychopharmacology.

There were a lot of areas we didn't cover that I'm hoping to cover if we do some specials. One is to see more of Patsy's home and her home life, which is just the saddest thing.

When you turn up for work, especially with looking down the barrel of a show, you're hoping the person you're acting opposite of is going to be on your kind of crazy wavelength.

I was up watching Meet Joe Black at four AM. I was hoping Brad Pitt would die, and he was still alive at seven forty in the morning! I actually felt sorry for once, for critics.

Serendipity is nice, but hoping for luck and the magic of happenstance shouldn't be an excuse for a lack of proactivity. I had to learn for myself that waiting isn't a life plan.

Honestly, I'm not interested in gossip. Thing is, I know a lot of successful actors, and in hoping to be successful myself, I would like to think others would respect my privacy.

Guys like Andre Miller and Kevin Garnett - they're posting up hoping a second guy will run at them so they can pass. You're better just playing one-on-one in the post if you can.

I don't know what my numbers are as a DH, but the fact that you're sitting basically for three hours and 38 minutes of a baseball game, you're hoping you get four or five at-bats.

Decades later I would look into my father's eyes and try to reach past the murkiness of Alzheimer's with my words, my apology, hoping that in his heart he heard me and understood.

We're going to make sure there is a strong price on carbon right across the country, and we're hoping that the provinces are going to be able to do that, in a way, for themselves.

Programmers have been wandering out and shooting a shotgun into the night sky and hoping they hit something, and I end up paying $150 for channels full of nothing I want to watch.

Regarding the Hall of Fame, when they decided I was going to be one of the possible candidates, when I heard that, I was so thrilled. You're always hoping for something like that.

In open range fires it is about picking a spot and hoping it is the right location. At the head of the fire you have to worry about wind and humidity and a number of other factors.

I had a teammate whose motto was, 'If I make a million dollars, I must spend a million dollars.' I was like, 'If I make a million dollars, I'm hoping I can keep a million dollars.'

People acquire a dog, don't understand it, can't train it, get fed up, and... offer it for adoption, hoping to pass on the problem to somebody else. But nobody wants a problem dog.

The left's panic and politicization of the coronavirus is not unusual. It is the typical reaction for a party and a media hoping desperately to see the end of the Trump presidency.

The gleam in their eyes telegraphs only too clearly that they are hoping for a headline, which of course means something disparaging, because nothing makes such good copy as a feud.

I always love the court fool in Shakespearean times, in Henry VIII's time. The fool can say all kinds of stuff that the other people can't say, so I'm hoping I might take that role.

I'm hoping that with the high profile that the Go-Go's are going to have over the next year, that if anybody is interested in what else I do, I'll have something I can say that I do.

I was hoping that I could one day get a job at Quik or Billabong working on their videos. So I made 'Momentum' on a shoestring budget for fun and sort of a resume to work for others.

Some of you may have been hoping that today I would speak about Lucien Bouchard's latest economic theories. But I have decided to spare him for the time being: after all, he is a man.

I like to think I'm fairly grounded, and I have friends who will very happily tell me if I'm ever being big-headed. I know things will change. But I'm hoping it's nothing too drastic.

Uriah Hall, you ever play that game Tekken where you just button bash? I always think that's what he looks like. He's just button bashing and hoping something cool will come out of it.

Our country is made up of groups of immigrants who came here hoping for a better life. They created America. It's a sad thing to have so many people not remember that, including Trump.

Bravely going out into the world and trying, yet still deep down believing you're ruled by your past circumstances, is like forgiving someone but still hoping they sit in something wet.

I'm hoping that maybe everyone on the Olympic team thinks that I'm worthy to carry the flag. That's my next goal, to carry the flag during the opening ceremonies, if everyone chooses me.

When you play this game, you're not just playing for yourself and your fans. You also play for a name you have to represent. You have a family that's hoping you do good every single day.

And I'm hoping that over the next 20, 50 years, whatever, the mystique of television and film and all that will diminish somewhat, and people will leave us alone to get on with our jobs.

I'm hoping to dive into the producing aspect of this industry. I don't want to limit myself to just one thing, so I kind of want to dip my toe in every field and see what clicks with me.

In art, at a certain level, there is no 'better than.' It's just about trying to operate for yourself on the most supreme level, artistically, that you can and hoping that people get it.

We're hoping that fans who have listened for a while, or only know the singles will be like, 'Damn, man, I didn't realize track 9 on 'Catalyst,' I didn't realize how awesome that song is.'

When I was a kid, I used to do my homework in the living room, where there was a picture window. I was hoping that someone would walk by and see me looking very studious in my living room.

I pretty much figure a collar will do, but as time goes on, I'm hoping I learn how to throw a suit on or something. I've still got some time. I'm not the president of the United States yet.

I have been blessed with a bunch of great kids, grandchildren, and daughters-in-law. It's been a great life. I know I am probably in the fourth quarter, but I am hoping for triple overtime.

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