I'm watching the charts every week and hoping something will pop into my head.

I'm hoping that I make readers into museum goers and museum goers into readers.

I don't think any of us grew up into the world we were hoping for or expecting.

I'm hoping to reach a point when I can play all kinds of roles with equal ease.

I'm hoping to bring some raunchy, risky, soulful frankness to the stage, really.

I've got enough people hoping I'll fail that I need to be smart with my business.

A poet is someone who stands outside in the rain hoping to be struck by lightning.

I know that there are many people who are hoping that things don't go well for me.

I wait for options, hoping that a space for a pass will appear at the last moment.

Every candidate goes into every debate hoping that they can own a particular moment.

One day there'll be no need for me. I'm actually hoping to put myself out of business.

Sahara Shree has put a lot of faith in me and I'm hoping to live up to his confidence.

Don't waste too much time wishing, hoping, and being envious; it'll make you bugnutty.

What I'm hoping is that people in my age group will grow up with me and keep listening.

Nor dread nor hope attend a dying animal; a man awaits his end dreading and hoping all.

When you are hoping for a call or want something different, I think you lose your edge.

I'm just kind of taking whatever life gives me and hoping that I make the right decision.

I'm certainly hoping that all the recommendations that we have heard will be implemented.

Wishing, hoping, and dreaming without an action plan - is nothing more than a pipe dream!

I don't think we'll see a 'Real Housewives of Koreatown' anytime soon, but here's hoping.

I haven't done much voice-over work, but I enjoy it. I'm hoping to do more in the future.

With any piece of writing, you're hoping that it will change something, and it seldom does.

I'm hoping they slow down a little bit with technology, because I'm just trying to keep up.

You should live hoping you are going to offend people, because then you're doing something.

The last decade has been a little rough, so I'm hoping to start this one on the right foot.

In the end, what's any good reader really hoping for? That spark. That spell. That journey.

What I'm hoping to do is see Democrats get elected. That's what I'm trying to contribute to.

We're hoping that there is large-scale recognition that CTE is a risk when playing football.

My main motivation is not to get bored. I'm just hoping I get a vaguely maverick reputation.

Waiting and hoping are the whole of life, and as soon as a dream is realized it is destroyed.

I was hoping I could become a success to give my mother and my father a better way of living.

I've been good at the game of basketball my whole life, so I'm hoping I can get back to that.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping everyone loves what I do and loves what's on screen.

There's a lot of little 'Bonnie-isms' in 'Teenage Dream' that I was hoping to keep for myself.

I was hoping for a little more faith in me following my performances after the 2010 World Cup.

I think whenever you take over a role, you're just really hoping that people will embrace you.

I'm hoping to raise a little consciousness and shine some light on the idea of responsibility.

I mean, coming into this season I was just hoping to come back, stay healthy and help the team.

I am hoping that I can be known as a great writer and actor some day, rather than a sex symbol.

We're not done. We're just going to continue playing and hoping to put some wins together again.

For a long time, the Indonesian government ignored 'The Act of Killing,' hoping it would go away.

Democrats want to peer into every second of President Trump's life, hoping to find a smoking gun.

Deep inside, I was hoping I'd win: The competition was tough, but I learned from other's mistakes.

I think Donald Trump believes in putting a wall around America and hoping everything turns out OK.

Short sellers sell stock they have borrowed, hoping to buy it back later when its price has fallen.

When it comes to music, we should be hoping for as outlandish a Republican candidate as we can get.

Stop hoping for a promotion that's not coming. Instead, start a business at which you want to work.

I'm always hoping for the nights that are inspired where you almost have an out of body experience.

I am hoping that in this year of the family we will go into our families and reconcile differences.

I'm hoping to make the kind of difference in my lifetime that allows me to be remembered positively.

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