I love horror films.

I'm actually a fan of horror films.

Most horror films fail to scare me.

I've never really liked horror films.

I would love to do more horror films.

I am actually terrified of horror films.

I was always a fan of horror films as a kid.

Great horror films don't win Academy Awards.

I am a big scaredy-cat; horror films terrify me.

Money is not the only reason why I make horror films.

I can't watch horror films because I am easily scared.

Horror films in India always have a strong love story.

I'm pretty mad at horror films for ruining my childhood.

I don't watch any horror films. I get scared very easily.

I loved Westerns as a little kid, and I loved horror films.

I think horror films always have to be as simple as possible.

No one pretty much tells me what kind of horror films to make.

I like stuff like 'Top Gun.' I like horror films. I love them.

I love watching horror films because I don't get scared easily.

There's a real kind of snobbery in the U.K. about horror films.

Everybody's making horror films and, to me, not especially well.

I love my horror films and they will always be very close to me.

There are very few horror films that I think are worth their salt.

I love horror films. I love ghost movies and haunted-house movies.

Poor decisions and bad luck are contingencies of most horror films.

One of my favorite horror films of the Nineties was 'Event Horizon.'

As an audience, I must share that I was never a fan of a horror films.

I did love horror films from the '70s and '80s. That was my sweet spot.

I normally stay away from horror films; I tend to do light and happy roles.

As far as horror films are concerned, I guess Vikram Bhatt is a brand name.

When I was a little kid, I loved horror films. I always liked being scared.

'Insidious' is independent. It's like the 'Clerks' of horror films, you know?

As much as I like watching horror films, I never thought I would act in them.

I like the fact that major studios have been attempting horror films recently.

I never would have guessed I would be making science fiction and horror films.

I have a really embarrassing reaction to horror films. I break out in a fever.

'Alien' is one of my all-time favorite horror films - that has a great monster.

Horror films are the anchovies of the cinema. Either you like them, or you don't.

I don't like watching horror films. I actually don't. I don't watch horror films.

I'm really easily affected by horror films. I have pretty strong reactions to them.

There are some people who shouldn't watch horror films, and I'm all right with that.

When I was a kid, I loved horror films. I used to stay up on Saturday night to watch.

I didn't want to be known as a man who only made horror films. I made some - very few.

I personally cannot watch horror films: I am a scaredy cat and scare incredibly easily.

No, the horror genre is not my first love. I don't run to the theater to see horror films.

In most horror films, you don't really get to understand why this character is the way he is.

A lot of my friends are people who do horror films: Wes Craven, John Carpenter, Stephen King.

There are a lot of horror films out there that are nasty, but what's nasty isn't necessarily scary.

I think there's an instinct to make grotesque horror films that are purely carnal, like the 'Saw' movies.

My favorite movies are gory horror films. I love Faulkner. I wanted to see the most painful things possible.

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