I love horses.

I like horses!

Horses terrify me.

I've always ridden horses.

You cannot make horses 'safe.'

I rode horses since I was a kid.

I spent all my youth with horses.

I could hang with horses all day.

I still prefer horses to human beings.

I didn't like horses when I was a kid.

We keep horses. I have to keep working.

The wildest colts make the best horses.

Don't swap horses in crossing a stream.

Horses make a landscape look beautiful.

I want a place where I can have horses.

My two great loves are music and horses.

Horses do sense things way before people.

Competitions are for horses, not artists.

It would take wild horses to get me to talk.

I ride my horses three to four times a week.

Yeah, I'd been around horses most of my life.

I have to warn you: I bet horses like a girl.

I love dogs, horses and generally all animals.

I've had quarter horses for the last 18 years.

I have four horses, and they are my everything.

I like 'Only Fools and Horses' and 'Father Ted.'

Eventually, I'll build a ranch and raise horses.

I ride horses, I love horses, I've owned horses.

Horses pretty much broke as a record in England.

I've got a farm in England where I breed horses.

I can make more generals, but horses cost money.

Horses and dogs were part of my growing up years.

To ride two horses at the same time is difficult.

I've worked with horses since I was a little kid.

Horses are the brand value of 'Wertheimer Freres.'

I do love horses, but I'd rather be on motorcycles.

Thanks to my father, we were always in good horses.

I love to get into a landscape and paint my horses.

I drive my own horses in a race. And I always have.

Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.

And I ride horses, swim, do a lot of reading, writing.

I didn't just grow up with horses; I wanted to be one.

My aim and my passion is to own and breed race horses.

If you don't have good horses, it's very tough to win.

I'm very athletic and I've ridden horses my whole life.

My saddle horses are my friends. My dogs are my friends.

But I do love horses. They are such an expression of joy.

When I was a little boy, I rode, but I didn't own horses.

Better than the strength of men and horses is our wisdom.

My daughter loves horses. My other daughter loves soccer.

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