I'm not a household name.

We gon' be a household name!

I did my job to make my name a household name.

I want to show people that I can be a household name.

Being a household name throughout boxing, that matters to me.

Am I a household name? I still can't get my head around that.

I am the first to admit that I have never been a household name.

Viola Davis should be a household name. So should Angela Bassett.

I'm not a household name; I'm just a household name to guitar freaks.

A household name is like ketchup. Everybody wants ketchup. Ketchup doesn't hurt anybody.

In a year's time, I was able to start a brand name and make it a household name. That's The Situation.

It really is quite remarkable that Darfur has become a household name. I am gratified that's the case.

All of my friends in the business ask, 'Why is this woman not a star? Why is she not a household name?'

God has been kind, people have given me a household name. Even after 30 years, they think I am Duryodhana.

Richelle Mead's 'Vampire Academy' saga is set to be the next young adult paranormal series to become a household name.

Once we got to the race track, everybody called me Bubba - we created a brand around it. Now it's become a household name.

The power of Bollywood is undeniable. When a celebrity wears your clothes, it sells out - stars here can make you a household name.

People say, 'I love 'Snatch,' I love 'Lock Stock,' but I want to be more than a movie name. I'd love to be more of a household name.

I'm realistic about my career as a novelist. I'm certainly not a superstar and far, far from a household name, but I feel successful.

You're gonna see me on your TV. You're gonna see me everywhere. I'm gonna be a common household name. Smokepurpp, Lil Purpp. Remember the name.

When people come up to me and say, 'You made it,' I think, 'But I'm not done yet. Not everyone's heard my music.' I want to be a household name.

I would say, up until 'Anchorman,' I wasn't any kind of household name or anything, but I wasn't necessarily identified as much with being a comedian.

I wanna be the most successful socially aware artist: Grammys, number one singles, albums, overseas and internationally-known household name, all that.

I've always admired people like Donal McCann. He wasn't a household name, but if he put his name to something, you were guaranteed a good yarn at the very least.

I don't mind that I am not necessarily a household name, because I think my characters have outshined me. That was by design. And I'm not wanting for appreciation.

Ballykissangel' made me a household name, and I am enormously grateful for that, but I don't feel it would ever have developed me into a better actress had I stayed.

I do think Wilder can be a household name in America. He is a good fighter, and he has knockout power and has knockout potential, which is what you need as a heavyweight.

One feels very blessed to be born into a family like the Birla family, which is a household name in India, which stands for tradition, is yet contemporary, stands for trust.

I guess people recognize me, but I'm not a household name. Two out of every five people who come up to me know my name. The one thing I don't want is to be followed by paparazzi.

There were very few TV sets when I grew up... We could not see matches and did not know too many players. Only Pele was a household name and he was the one most children idolised.

The man the world knew as Billy Graham was always 'Daddy' to me. I was well into my teens before I fully comprehended that my father had a household name and a worldwide ministry.

I tell people all the time, men don't talk to me. Even before I was a household name or whatever, when I went to clubs, people were scared to come to me because of the way I looked.

I never really got any attention until I was on MTV. I became a household name because I was on every day from 3-4 P.M. I wasn't prepared for it - how mean they can be in the press.

I used to have a little silent prayer: 'Dear God, let my ability to get work be the same as my celebrity.' That would be a hard burden: to be a household name and not be able to get work.

Models now need to promote themselves, think like businesswomen and diversify their careers by doing other things. Chances are very slim that a mere model will become a household name today.

I'm a big fan of the poet Mary Jo Salter, and although she doesn't need to be discovered at all - she's widely admired and anthologized and extremely accomplished - I wish she were a household name.

Look at 'American Idol,' which I don't look at. Those winners haven't become household names except for Jennifer Hudson, and she was a reject. You can't aim to be a household name. You just have to be successful.

Cliff Stearns talks about what he did to Planned Parenthood, making Solyndra a household name - why didn't he do this sooner? Why didn't he see it coming? It's the oversight committee, not the hindsight committee.

Salman Khan's association with 'Bigg Boss' has taken the show to another level. Because of his presence, the show has gained immense popularity and the reach of the show is tremendous. It has become a household name.

God, in a dream, talked to me, and he gave me that name. I'm like, 'you know what God? That is a funny name! I might need to run with it!' And ever since then, I've been calling myself Swaggy P. It's a household name.

I had never really planned that I will host reality shows. I just took up some offers that came my way. But reality shows are a good platform to showcase talent. They help one become a household name in a matter of few days.

I signed with Kanye back in 2003, and at that time, 'The College Dropout' hadn't even come out, so he was still relatively unknown compared to where he is now. He wasn't a household name; people were still calling him 'Kane.'

I'm really working hard at regaining Mannie Fresh as a household name. But for me, it's always been the long road. What the long road means is if I gotta go city to city, town to town or whatever it is, that's what I gotta do.

I want to produce more number one hits but not follow trends blindly! What I really hope to achieve in the long-term is to get that cross-over status such as Calvin Harris and Avicii. I'd love to be a household name in pop music.

When we talk about good books, we often talk about good sentences, but what we rarely talk about is reader pleasure. Yet it is reader pleasure that is going to make a book break out into the kind of success that makes it into a household name.

My goal is to be a household name, and when I do that, I want to help other girls become models, and maybe even launch a fashion line with my mom, like Beyonce did with her mother. My mom has such a good eye, and it's always been a dream of hers.

Why am I not a household name in Britain? Why have I not got the recognition I deserve after so long? I think the fact that none of my fights are seen on terrestrial television is significant but, other than that, I don't exactly know. I really don't.

The Democratic chairman doesn't need to be a household name. Most people didn't know who Ron Brown was when he was chairman of the Democratic Party, but he put the party in a position where Bill Clinton could come in and he had a solid base to run from.

It's not like I think: 'By the age of 40 I've got to be an international household name.' When the opportunity to perform comes up, then I'll take it. It's really good fun. But because I don't crave the attention or the buzz, it's not like I'm desperate for it.

Sometimes it feels like I've been in the business forever, but then other times, it feels like kind of a flash. Growing up, all I wanted to do was sing. All I wanted to do was get on a bus and ride around the country and sing for people and be a household name.

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