I thought you hung the moon.

I don't get hung up on weight.

Jesus hung out with ragamuffins.

Im too hung for womens underwear.

Never get too hung up on mistakes.

I don't get hung up a lot on angst.

The dead elm leaves hung like folded bats.

I don't get hung up about anything really.

Love, love, I have hung our cave with roses.

All the people I hung out with were musicians.

I was not the kid that hung out at the arcade.

I was an only child. I hung out with my parents.

You might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

Clowns are the pegs on which the circus is hung.

As a kid, I hung out a lot at Golfland in Milpitas.

I don't get too hung up on what people think of me.

We've had some tough times, but we've hung in there.

Just think life's too short to get hung up on maybes.

They've hung everything on me except the Chicago fire.

I never played drunk. Hung over, yes, but never drunk.

A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts.

On a single winged word hath hung the destiny of nations.

There hung about her the restrained energy of a whiplash.

I've hung out and dated people I've never even met before.

Leaves hung in the stillness like hands of the newly dead.

You know how to tell if the teacher is hung over? Movie Day.

I never wanted to be one of those guys who hung on too long.

I've hung out with Jay-Z a couple of times, and he was awesome.

Dullness is the only crime for which an editor ought to be hung.

I never get hung up on the past - the memories are too negative.

I got the name Lil Baby because I always hung around older dudes.

I never wanted to be with someone who just hung around the house.

When Howard Dean started saying some honest things, they hung him.

Children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the truth.

What did Christ really do? He hung out with hard-drinking fishermen.

While filming 'Annie Hall,' I never really hung out with Woody Allen.

I have not hung a single award on my walls, including the Padma Shri.

I was an athlete, but I hung out with the band guys. I was adaptable.

I was a loner and never hung out with anyone. I never had any friends.

I took six months off, finished high school, and hung out with friends.

But you cant get all hung up on details when you are trying to survive.

I have never ever hung out with actors and comedians. I can't stand it.

Me and Drake and all his people hung out. I had the whole club jumping.

The stars crossed and The Boy wished he could have hung himself on them.

Even Andy never hung his own paintings. He'd sell them or put them in a box.

If you are ever drowned or hung, be sure and make a note of your sensations.

When he hung up on Nancy Reagan, that's when he crossed his final threshold.

I always hung out with older people. I would be the youngest out of the crew.

We went to Big Sur about three years ago and hung out at the Esalen Institute.

If you're too hung up on improvising 'correctly', you will almost always fail.

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