Losing hurts me.

Every defeat hurts.

Think until it hurts.

Being hot never hurts!

Too much TV hurts movies.

When you win, nothing hurts.

Whenever you lose, it hurts.

A little humility never hurts.

Don't get too close, it hurts.

Losing drives me mad. It hurts.

This society, it hurts me, man.

Playing the drums hurts my back.

It hurts when people put you down.

It hurts to lose night after night.

Oh well, the truth hurts, doesn't it?

When you make a change, it hurts a bit.

A heart that hurts is a heart that works.

It hurts a lot to see United not winning.

The truth hurts. It hurts to some people.

I think Jalen Hurts is consistent enough.

I think money in general hurts all sports.

It hurts, it hurts... Im dying, I'm dying.

I don't sing anything that hurts my voice.

I love everybody. When someone hurts, I hurt.

No, I'm no enemy to learning; it hurts not me.

A crown, if it hurts us, is not worth wearing.

I've had Botox. It hurts a lot, but I like it.

Love hurts, love scars, love wounds, and mars.

One bad review can destroy me. It hurts so bad.

Seriously, I love the Olympics so much it hurts.

OK, so truth hurts - but what else does truth do?

Losing hurts me. I was determined to be the best.

Don't compromise even if it hurts to be yourself.

The disease is painless; it's the cure that hurts.

Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.

Losing hurts, it always hurts, and it should hurt.

It's what a fellow thinks he knows that hurts him.

You can't pick up a golf club if your thumb hurts.

Criticism only hurts when there's some truth in it.

Government intervention only hurts; it doesn't help.

A remark generally hurts in proportion to its truth.

We all bleed the same color. It hurts when we bleed.

When something you love gets taken away, it hurts you.

It hurts to see other people calling Jazz fans racist.

Every now and then a little bit of change never hurts.

Yes, pro wrestling is damaging on your body. It hurts.

When I enjoy doing something, I don't mind if it hurts.

Underwear shouldn't hurt. If it hurts, you gotta change.

Tennis players shouldn't get married. It hurts your game.

There's always going to be something said that hurts you.

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