Although I was raised Jewish, my upbringing didn't include any formal religious education or training.

What we have to do is get the corporations to understand you must include African-American-owned media.

Teaching young people about healthy lifestyles should include a conversation about cancer risk factors.

My diet consists of a lot of salads - I liberally include a lot of fruits and vegetables in every meal.

A common complaint about stories that include excessive coincidence is that the story is 'unrealistic.'

Painting is about the world that we live in. Black men live in the world. My choice is to include them.

Big food companies have their priorities, which include selling cheap, unhealthy foods at high profits.

The minuses of celebrity include having to live with security and the knowledge that you may be stalked.

Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.

Our nation's power plant fleet must include a mix of solar, wind, hydro, natural gas and nuclear plants.

My inspirations include the Beatles - love, love, love them - Elton John, Carole King, and Stevie Wonder.

I have always loved wrestling and grew up watching it - my earliest memories include watching Hulk Hogan.

I am always a beginner. I only try to include different parts of life; the pastoral, the tragic, et cetera.

Oxfam believes that any global talks to reform tax rules must include all countries, including the poorest.

My staple food include Aloo gobhi ki sabji and yellow daal, and on Sundays I usually just have rajma chawal.

I think Lenat is headed in the right direction, but someone needs to include a knowledge base about learning.

'The Hobbit' didn't include female characters at all and was a very linear story, a book for children, really.

I especially like the songs Hurry Up and The Curse Of Castle Dragon, and I often include them in my live show.

Beauty has no boundaries, no rules, no colors. Beauty is like a religion. You can include everything inside it.

I will tell you that my position is that funding bills should include as little money for Obamacare as possible.

The people who sadly stay in on a Saturday - and I include myself in there - look forward to 'Match of the Day.'

Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other, each is enriched by the other.

You can have your own thought process about things, but you still need to include and co-exist with other people.

As a visual storyteller, a lot is learning what to include so you're not being redundant between images and text.

My Mt. Rushmore of hero worship would include Ralph Waldo Emerson, Marcus Aurelius, Frank Sinatra and Barry White.

When it comes to individual bloggers, they have many choices now that include blogging for a network or going solo.

In all love stories the theme is love and tragedy, so by writing these types of stories, I have to include tragedy.

We need to be discussing issues specifically to help the American people. And that would not include illegal aliens.

I didn't think that the government would go as far as to include American citizens to be interned without a hearing.

Some of my best memories of growing up on Long Island include spending all day fishing for fluke on Great South Bay.

We need to have our conservative version of what health care looks like, and that will include a repeal of Obamacare.

Some of my favorites include 'Walking the Room' and 'Never Not Funny' and 'FitzDog Radio', Greg Fitzsimmons' podcast.

Pre-competition rituals include nap time, because when competition rolls around, I'm a sloth. I also FaceTime my dogs.

I guess that there are many ways to look at being single, and none of them should include shame or feeling less valued.

I've hated poetry ever since I was at school. I include Shakespeare in that. I don't understand the obsession with him!

I can't count a single conservative of my acquaintance that doesn't include charitable work in their list of priorities.

If we include hedonistic philosophy in hospitals, the lives of patients suffering from cancer would be much, much better.

Most memoir writers will tell you that the hardest part of writing a memoir isn't what to include, but what to leave out.

The principles of conservatism include upholding the rule of law and the United Kingdom's international legal obligations.

The sources of Islamism's strength include the fact that it is a response to the oppression of the Third World as a whole.

For many comedians, two common anxiety triggers include performing in front of family members and doing brand new material.

We have a tendency in Quebec - and I include myself in this - to describe ourselves using the past. We're always nostalgic.

For me, turning 65 doesn't include walking away from my profession because of age; I love my job and the company I work for.

The interesting thing about cloud computing is that we've redefined cloud computing to include everything that we already do.

Buying reviews of ebooks that include downloads is a well-known way to 'juice' an ebook's sales rank and attract new readers.

Both my mother and I have close groups of friends that include other writers, and these friendships are very important to us.

My constituents include CU Buffs, ski bums, techies, artists, suburban soccer moms, and proud, hard-working Colorado families.

I do a lot of weight training, and my workouts are intense, which include cardios, core body workouts, and functional training.

Make each product the best it can be. Focus on form and materials. What we don't include is as important as what we do include.

I'd like for 'Facts of Life' to include more stories about Mrs. Garrett. But I wouldn't want to do a spin-off built around her.

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