Trade is an integral part of our foreign policy.

Beer is such an integral part of the Indian culture.

The receivers are an integral part of the passing game.

The arts are an integral part of the city's economic progress.

The Second Amendment is an integral part of the Bill of Rights.

Honesty has always been an integral part of my operation, really.

I grew up in an atmosphere where words were an integral part of culture.

Kashmir is an integral part of India, and nobody can take it away from us.

Make-up is an integral part of my lifestyle because of the profession I'm in.

You like to be part of a championship, but you always want to be an integral part.

No matter how much we scorn it, kitsch is an integral part of the human condition.

I love the camera and I guess it's because it's been an integral part of my childhood.

The integral part of being a star is having the will to win. All the champions have it.

Being political is an integral part of being Iranian. Our lives are defined by politics.

Coaches are an integral part of any manager's team, especially if they are good pinochle players.

My grandfather was a history teacher, one reason the subject has been an integral part of my life.

Music is a very integral part of the film, but it will not be as full of music as a Bollywood film.

A healthy Amtrak is an integral part of New York and the Nation's economy and transportation systems.

Offensive operations and hunting down the enemy is an integral part of any counterinsurgency approach.

Our extended family is an integral part of our daily lives and Connie and I welcome you with open arms.

Our fans make the band. What they give we give right back. They're an integral part of us. They ARE us.

That said, everything's important, and every musician who plays on the record is an integral part of it.

My curves became an integral part of who I am as a dancer, not something I needed to lose to become one.

Millets are an integral part of tribal life and a staple diet of tribals of Odisha since time immemorial.

I grew up loving TV so much. It was such an integral part of my youth, and I was completely an Emmy geek.

In a web/mobile startup, coding is not an outsourced activity. It's an integral part of the company's DNA.

Travelling has always been my passion and also an integral part of my profession, lovingly known as Bollywood.

Messaging is such an integral part of our lives, and Begroupd will help solve problems everyone can relate to.

I just can't bring myself to see Sabbath without Bill Ward, because he was such an integral part of that band.

Indeed, for Russia, inconsistency is an integral part of its foreign policy strategy, particularly under Putin.

'Ebony' is an integral part of my life, and I think it's very exciting to be able to help to move the brand forward.

The Aam Aadmi party is of the view that Kashmir is an integral part of India. Needless to say that I share this view.

Sachin has been an integral part of Mumbai Indians and a source of inspiration for the team ever since the inception.

Private equity investors are an integral part of the economy and should be celebrated for making our country wealthier.

Humanism: an exaltation of freedom, but one limited by our need to exercise it as an integral part of nature and society.

Virtual currencies, used to buy digital goods inside online games, have become an integral part of the Internet landscape.

My son is an integral part of my life; the fact of life is that parents and children need you; wife doesn't really need you.

Broadcasting's best days lie ahead as both an engine of local economies and as an integral part of tomorrow's technological world.

The Senkaku Islands are an integral part of Japanese territory based on international law as well as in the context of our history.

Yoga has always been an integral part of my life style. The benefits I have reaped from a constant practice have been invaluable to me.

Letting ourselves down in some fashion is such an integral part of daily life that the paucity of literature on the subject is baffling.

Music is a very integral part of my life because I was born into a musical family, and it's not just a passion... it's everything for me.

Learning is not just a labour market or economic growth issue. It is an integral part of human development. We learn from birth to death.

Glamour has been an integral part of showbiz from a longtime and the whole debate about exposing and vulgarity is blown out of proportions.

Hip hop has been an integral part of my life and my whole career. I started off doing videos with Ice Cube and Dre and Mary J. Blige and TLC.

The black immigrant experience in the U.S. must be understood not in contrast to the African American experience but as an integral part of it.

Our names are an integral part of the faces we show to the world. If we're judged first on outward appearances, we're assessed next on our names.

The Columbia Startup Lab is a visible symbol of how the university is making entrepreneurship an integral part of all colleges at the university.

I was an integral part of school plays. And when I was in the ninth standard, Om Shivpuri directed me in a play called 'The Miser.' It was a huge hit.

I am a writer and always was; being a writer is an integral part of my identity. Being published, being well regarded, is a component of that identity.

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