The greater the suffering depicted, the more terrible the events, the more intense our pleasure.

An intense feeling carries with it its own universe, magnificent or wretched as the case may be.

He has chosen not to heal me, but to hold me. The more intense the pain, the closer His embrace.

One or two people have named their children after characters in my songs. That's pretty intense.

I do feel it's tougher to make a comic scene work than performing an intense scene, for example.

I like 'The Simpsons' like everybody else. But yeah - people think I'll always be super intense.

Was there any human urge more pitiful-or more intense- than wanting another chance at something?

If you play an intense way, an aggressive way, we are good, we can score, we can create chances.

I can fall in love in a simple way, but I can dissect it in such an intense fashion when it ends.

Baseball is this intense subculture that actually doesn't speak very much for the larger culture.

I have an intense desire to constantly make music, and I don't feel that way about anything else.

I came from an anxious, overly intense East Coast academic family. That was the way of our tribe.

You feel the intense desire to do good, to do right thing. At this stage, you also feel helpless.

I have a pretty intense work ethic. If something's not done, I cannot let go until I get it done.

My own approach has always been to push intense emotions down and attempt to deal with them later.

Becoming a solo singer is like going from an eau de toilette to a perfume. It's much more intense.

Walking at a moderate pace for an hour a day is considered a moderately intense level of exercise.

I think Gotye is really dope. The music that I enjoy listening to isn't as intense as my music is.

The thing is that when you make a film, it is such an intense experience. It's like being married.

What makes a specific quality or quantity of innovation retain its intense newness over the years?

With acting, you might have a month of very intense work, but you've got a lot of downtime as well.

It sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents.

During the 1990s, San Francisco lived through one of the most intense economic booms of its history

During the 1990s, San Francisco lived through one of the most intense economic booms of its history.

One characteristic that I hope I never relinquish is an intense curiosity about the world around me.

I realized that theater was the perfect thing for me, in short bursts of intense community building.

Sometimes I need a boost, and I go for something that's a little bit more intense and a bigger beat.

My wheelhouse is intense characters who have a certain sympathetic streak and also a sense of humor.

The pictures which do not represent an intense interest cannot expect to create an intense interest.

I love the winter. Well, I love all the seasons, but the winter is possibly one of the most intense.

Leading a human life is a full-time occupation, to which everyone devotes decades of intense concern.

Once again, I think there is little art being done that really owns up to such intense possibilities.

I put a lot of pressure on myself and I think I am quite... well, intense about driving other people.

In my opinion, long and intense study of the human figure is the necessary foundation for a sculptor.

I love the intimacy of making movies. The focus is deeper and much more intense than musical theatre.

There's this very intense pressure to look like you didn't have a baby two days after you had a baby.

Poets deal in writing about feelings and trying to find the language and images for intense feelings.

I love my job, but it's intense, and it's serious, and it's straight, and it can be really harrowing.

Nixon had this remarkably effective, deeply intense will to power. Reagan and I have a will to ideas.

I guess I usually write when I'm in a really intense headspace, because it's my form of self-therapy.

You can have a very intense relationship with fictional characters because they are in your own head.

I do my independent stuff where it's real acting if you like. Intense, drama stuff. I love me actions.

The Cold War was obviously driven by a very intense ideological struggle that was very clearly defined.

I'm recording an album. It's sort of techno mixed with garbage - you, know, intense in-your-face music.

And I've shot in Prince Edward Island winters, I mean, I've shot in some intense, intense temperatures.

Every day is intense and alive, whether it's travel, work, even down time, which there is so little of.

Asexual, aseasonal, rectangular, slick palette of blacks, touches of pure grays and intense dark blues.

I do believe that music has an intense power to connect us together, to inspire us to become ourselves.

The meaning of art in a time of suffering, a time of war, is much more intense. People are more focused.

Desire is endless and unappeasable, is most intense where most forbidden, and is never far from despair.

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