I'm an intense singer, so I look like I need the toilet every time I hit a high-note.

I get angry very fast, and it's intense. I start breathing heavily, and don't like it.

If women ran the world we wouldn't have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.

The act of longing for something will always be more intense than the requiting of it.

Whatever we read from intense curiosity gives us a model of how we should always read.

My father was very intense, passionate and over-the-top. He was my hero and my tyrant.

I can be intense in a lot of ways, but not the way you see the guy in 'The Salvation.'

Intense interest in any subject is indispensable if you're really going to excel in it.

Love is jealous, and ingenious in self-torture in proportion as it is pure and intense.

Every league game is like the World Cup. The passion... intense, the desire for points.

Performing a song is intense. When I see people connecting, it makes it all worthwhile.

Fashion is just so intense. It really has to be your passion, and it wasn't my passion.

The poetry I grew up on is really an intense form of poetry; it's so pure and powerful.

You have to be intense. This only comes from the CEO, this only comes from the founders.

Female adolescence is - universally - an emotionally and psychologically intense period.

I needed someone really intense, but also somebody with a lot of theatrical credibility.

When you're on stage, the real world just drops away for that time. It's pretty intense.

I have an intense dislike of doctrines, because you will always end up eating your words.

We like mature storytelling. We like dramatic storytelling. We like intense storytelling.

On my face, I use Creme De La Mer The Eye Balm Intense and Tatcha Deep Brightening Serum.

War is complicated and intense, and it takes time and thoughts to understand what it was.

I like the things every actor likes - I like great, intense duet scenes with good actors.

Auditioning is like boxing: It keeps me hungry and intense, whether I get the part or not.

Globally, ride sharing is a very intense industry with a lot of money being thrown around.

I've found that my athletes run their best races after about 10 weeks of intense training.

The touring for this album was definitely going to be the most intense touring we've done.

Football is so intense you don't have time to sit back and look at what you have achieved.

I love intense, deep-tissue massages. Any kind of foot massage, body massage, I'm into it.

The British fans are very intense, maybe even more so than fans in the U.S.! They're great.

Acting-wise, I think I did well in 'Kinatay.' It wasn't talkie, and the acting was intense.

Nothing lasts in New York. The life that is lived there, however, is as intense as it gets.

There is a volatile mix, and that's because we're all intense. And there's no denying that.

The intense perfumes of the wild herbs as we trod them underfoot made us feel almost drunk.

I long to speak out the intense inspiration that comes to me from the lives of strong women.

It happened in Miami, in Coral Gables, a great big ol' Cuban wedding. It was pretty intense.

Hail, mute devil! You are the most intense animal. An eternal mystic of the fleshly inferno.

The regulatory systems in place disincentive innovation. It's intense to fight the red tape.

The bottom line is we go to theatre to vicariously spend time with really intense characters.

There's a real intense thing about manners in the South, a real prescribed way to be a woman.

I really thought 'El Tango Roxanne' was perfect for Halloween night. It's creepy and intense.

If those guys with better genes trained as hard and intense as me, I wouldn`t stand a chance!

In life, there are always intense battles, and yet we must practise the lessons from the Gita.

There is a very pensive and intense side to me that even I did not know someone could capture.

Coming back to Dinosaur Jr. and actually writing songs for the band was really intense for me.

Shooting this show is pretty intense. You lose your life. But I have no life, so it's perfect!

The paradox is that no love can prove so intense as the love of two narcissists for each other.

Harvard Law School is great. I'm lucky to be here. It's a really difficult, intense experience.

I am utterly, consummately intense, wearing sunflowers and poppies and dahlias in my buttonhole.

Who is Savion Glover? Who is that guy? Good question. I'm a lot of things... Intense... Focused.

Completely understand the customer by seeking an intense, complete and empathetic understanding.

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