The intensity of being in front of all these incredible musicians and tremendous conductors in these elaborate halls can be overwhelming.

New York is this cacophony - a collection of radical differences, an agreement of non sequiturs. The diversity and intensity are startling.

The likelihood of one individual being right increases in direct proportion to the intensity to which others are trying to prove him wrong.

There's no palette as rich as a garden. And the intensity of it - I make this statement all the time: You can't plan nature; you court her.

Once I go on stage, the atmosphere is totally theatrical. The greater the illusion, the greater the intensity of the excitement it creates.

Always work hard. Intensity clarifies. It creates not only momentum, but also the pressure you need to feel either friction, or fulfillment.

If I didn't get paid to play this game, I'd still play it the exact same way, with as much intensity and as much focus as I play it with now.

I think if you show a player an avenue to make a difference, he's going to bring that same intensity he brings on the field in his community.

I don't see myself coaching because the intensity of that is massive, and the intensity as a manager, for example Arsene Wenger, is even more.

That is, sir, there can only be communication, communion, when you and I are on the same level, and with the same intensity, at the same time.

It is difficult to take in how long you have been doing one thing when you compete at the highest level and always with the highest intensity.

There's a lot of intensity when you're on a set. And then it just goes away and no one's giving you attention or flooding you with compliments.

I have such admiration for single mothers. I simply don't comprehend how you'd cope with that intensity, the lack of breaks, ever, on your own.

So it was really cool just reinventing myself, changing my look, my image, my intensity, my ring-work style, everything that went along with it.

When you narrow down your range and are looking through just that narrow aperture of the lens, the intensity of what you see is so much greater.

I don't think I'm an unhappy person. It's just an intensity, not a depressive thing. It's just not having enough layers of skin. It's exhausting.

There was a point after the whole intensity of the Clash finally subsided when I just found that painting grounded me in a way that music didn't.

I like to make my training sessions harder than an actual game with very high intensity workouts, lots of sprints and plenty of weight room lifts.

I like the Klopp mentality but at the same time, I like the Pep culture about football because always we need intensity with and without the ball.

Progress is measured by richness and intensity of experience - by a wider and deeper apprehension of the significance and scope of human existence.

The love of the famous, like all strong passions, is quite abstract. Its intensity can be measured mathematically, and it is independent of persons.

It is very hard to explain to people who have never known serious depression or anxiety the sheer continuous intensity of it. There is no off switch.

Pretty much anything you care to imagine can happen in a fantasy, which in turn means you can really crank up the intensity of the tale you're telling.

In running, I can internalize that intensity. I can handle it because it's me and I'm coming back in the next race. I'm always ready for the next race.

I train about six days a week. I'm training at the same intensity as I did when I was playing football. I've done it for my entire life, and I love it.

The full life depends, not on the range of experience but on the intensity of the interest, the emotion involved, and on its being a personal interest.

She tried to swallow, to take a breath, but her eyes met his, and there was nothing but aching intensity in his gaze. And she was drawn in, swept away.

Fortune pays you sometimes for the intensity of her favors by the shortness of their duration. She soon tires of carrying any one long on her shoulders.

As the middle class is predated upon with an ever greater malicious intensity, their children stand to lose more and harder than their parents ever did.

Is global warming causing more extreme weather events of greater intensity, and is it causing sea levels to rise? The answer to both is an emphatic 'no.'

The good Lord gave me something, and he gave me intensity. He gave me a body, and he gave me the work and how hard I worked the body the way that it was.

The excellence of every art is its intensity, capable of making all disagreeables evaporate, from their being in close relationship with beauty and truth.

I needed to step back from cricket, international cricket in particular, to get away from the scrutiny and intensity. I love it but it was too much for me.

I think actually what keeps the intensity manageable - it's a little counterintuitive - is that it's changing all the time. Every week is different for me.

People get injured everyday doing simple things. The problem comes sometimes when people crank up the intensity on skilled movements before they are ready.

I like performers who I know are for real. You can tell, man, there's an intensity about their stuff. You can tell right away they're real people, ya know?

The First Battle of Fallujah was called off in part because of the intensity of non-U.S. media coverage of civilian casualties from outlets like Al Jazeera.

Growing up together with my brothers and working out - knowing that they bring intensity to the workout and they really, truly believe in it - it's awesome.

Fans want their emotions to come to the surface. How? By their team transmitting intensity, attacking, scoring goals, competing, winning. That awakens them.

I love English football because of its brilliant atmosphere, intensity of the competition and the culture of respect that fans and players have for the game.

People underestimate the impact of lack of sleep; not only will the intensity of your workouts suffer, but you are likely to crave sugary foods the next day.

You can help build momentum in training by keeping the pace and intensity high. Make things happen in training, and then you can transfer that onto the pitch.

I defended my Strikeforce belt twice, and you didn't see me lose any of my intensity, drive, or motivation. That's just the way I am. I will always be hungry.

It is very difficult to sustain a high-quality relationship that has the kind of mutual intensity, that has a kind of mutual respect, without putting in time.

I remember George Jones singing on television, but not any of the songs he sang. What I remember was my visceral reaction to him, the intensity of my distaste.

Bill Romanowski was one of the most feared players to play, not only because of his intensity, but because he played through the whistle and after the whistle.

The intensity of the Super Bowl is one-of-a-kind. An NBA finals is best-of-seven. But the Super Bowl, one game, winner-take-all. The intensity is off the charts.

I watch a lot of football and you hardly ever see Premier League players go down with cramp. The fitness, the intensity of Premier League football is phenomenal.

We always have great practices, and the competition is high, and the intensity is high; it's just about doing that now in a game and sustaining it for 48 minutes.

And like everybody else, I like the Rocky movies, but if you look at them again you can see all the misses, but the intensity of it, but that wasn't what this is.

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