I assume I don't need an introduction.

Old Zen was the reduction of concepts to absurdity.

Product 1' was really my introduction into the game.

I enjoyed the promotion with K9 on my introduction day.

This is Zen, and in Zen, as we all know ... anything goes!

Politeness and an affable address are our best introduction.

Old Zen is the way of nothingness, the way of having a good time.

My introduction to sports was through baseball. That's all I knew.

The introduction of political pluralism often quickly led to bad results.

If I ever saw him again,he was going to get a proper introduction to Tasey.

Zen is about breaking out of your ideas and experiencing life and not ideas.

Absolutely, 'Rabbit Hole' gave me a nice first introduction into film acting.

I left Apple in April of 1984, pretty soon after the introduction of the Mac.

I spent most of this afternoon writing a new introduction for my autobiography.

Plus, I was a math and science whiz from my first introduction to the subjects.

The Music is the only corporeal introduction to the superior world of Knowledge.

When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction.

The days just prior to marriage are like a snappy introduction to a tedious book.

Amazon creating GameOn could be a very good introduction into competitive gaming.

Zen is the way of splitting the self again and again, untilt there is nothing left.

In Zen you are learning how to make new realities, to build things inside your mind.

The best gift you can give a human being is an introduction to a God who loves them.

If nobody throws all their rules at you, you might make a song with no introduction.

My first introduction to Russell Westbrook was as a leader. It was pretty impressive.

As the old saying goes, for somebody as famous as you, you don't need any introduction.

Zen is meditation, the actual experience of life directly, immediately with no buffers.

The first introduction I had with English football was in the FA Cup in the early '80s.

Florida A&M University was my first real introduction to politics as a heavyweight game.

I'm not sure that teaching a Core course is necessarily the best introduction to teaching.

We see signs of it perhaps for 28 das or 34 days, then it goes away. Yet we are different.

So perhaps the best thing to do is to stop writing Introductions and get on with the book.

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.

One of the best introductions to the history and ideas of Calvinism, packed with insight and wisdom.

People who practice Zen correctly are not spaced-out or unrealistic. They are balanced and grounded.

I had a very late introduction to films. We didn't watch a lot of films while growing up in Kolkata.

Zen is the path that focuses the most upon meditation. It is almost exclusively a path of meditation.

There used to be very few women in prisons, but this changed with the introduction of the hudood laws.

The first album is an introduction, and when people listen to it top to bottom, I want them to know me.

Intended to serve as an introduction to both the linguistic and also the practical study of spoken English.

I don't see how an epigram, being a bolt from the blue, with no introduction or cue, ever gets itself writ.

In Kannada cinema, the introduction song for the hero is normally, as we call it, a massy commercial number.

My mom gave me 'Anne of Green Gables' as a present so that was my first introduction to Anne, little did I know.

Every interpretation is but an introduction to another interpretation, and that is how Talmud pages are printed.

Liverpool is a club that needs no introduction. I was impatient to play at Anfield, I wanted to feel the atmosphere.

Skateboarding was my introduction to rap and the first rap song that I really liked was KRS-One 'Step Into A World.'

My older brother had a lot of Elvis on vinyl, and really, that was my first introduction to music during the Fifties.

I like Meek Mill a lot. I listen to 'Dreams & Nightmares' introduction a lot. I always act crazy when the beat drops.

Toy Soldiers was my introduction to film. I certainly didn't think I was doing art by any stretch of the imagination.

Less depends upon the choice of words than upon this, that their introduction shall be justified by pregnant theorems.

Since 1934 every accomplished player in golf has come to the Augusta National looking for an introduction into history.

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