You can never get enough of 'Jeopardy.'

Jeopardy!' is a bigger deal than I realized.

I'm always really confident when I play 'Jeopardy.'

Parenting is much more nerve-wracking than 'Jeopardy!'

Once (Stan) Musial timed your fastball, your infielders were in jeopardy.

I turned into a workaholic to the point of where my health was in jeopardy.

Anyone who has begun to think, places some portion of the world in jeopardy.

I can't relax and sink back in the couch and watch 'Jeopardy!' the way I used to.

I tried out for 'Jeopardy' once, when they came to Cleveland, but I didn't make it.

I believe the 'Jeopardy!' test is more difficult than being a contestant on the program.

'Jeopardy!' contestant Ken Jennings' winning streak has been nothing short of remarkable.

You know, another thing people don't realize is that there's a ton of luck in 'Jeopardy.'

By background I'm both a Quaker and a Yorkshireman, which I like to call double jeopardy.

Jeopardy' is an institution, and people know what to expect from it and what the game's about.

I really underestimated how many people are paying attention to 'Jeopardy' and what's out there.

Delaware's firefighters put their lives in jeopardy every day in an effort to keep families safe.

You know, 'Jeopardy' has been on the air for 30 years, I don't see why HQ can't run for 30 years.

Judging from the main portions of the history of the world, so far, justice is always in jeopardy.

We must always remember that it is when passions are most inflamed that fairness is most in jeopardy.

I did want to lock each game up before Final Jeopardy, to avoid losing to a bad bounce in that round.

The decision to withdraw our missile defense sites from Poland put us in greater jeopardy, in my view.

Taking action against a show because of one individual's behavior could put hundreds of jobs in jeopardy.

Our Founding Fathers knew that without Second Amendment freedom, all of our freedoms could be in jeopardy.

If you're going to play at all, you're out to win. Baseball, board games, playing Jeopardy, I hate to lose.

It was always my plan to go big on 'Jeopardy!,' and I'm glad I was able to stick to the plan under pressure.

With Obamacare's fate in jeopardy, Democrats have no solutions to solve the mess they forced upon Americans.

I think one of the important things around tournaments and qualifying tournaments is the jeopardy around it.

I'm biased, but I think 'Jeopardy!' is the best game around, and getting more eyeballs on it is great in my book.

I hope that my 'Jeopardy' run helps destigmatize sports betting because I have certainly dealt with some stigmas.

I always believe in truth. Sometimes I know truth others don't. That puts me in a little bit of jeopardy sometimes.

Getting onto 'Jeopardy!' was a pet project my whole life, so it was something I was willing to work really hard on.

Easily the hardest 'Jeopardy!' categories to study in the kids' section are the so-called 'trashy' pop culture ones.

My body can't put anyone in jeopardy of not making money anymore - my body is just not on the table that way anymore.

I am in awe of Ken Jennings's accomplishments, as all 'Jeopardy!' fans are. Simply being compared to him is an honor.

For a comic to put a public performance in jeopardy for a snickering little laugh - no, no, no, I don't believe in it.

You need to pick your spots and bet big when you identify them. That's basically my 'Jeopardy!' strategy in a nutshell.

Well, if you're writing a thriller, you have to have your character in mortal jeopardy on page 1 or it's not a thriller.

I was always really smart in school. My whole family is smart. We have 'Jeopardy' challenges and have Scrabble tournaments.

I've never been in jeopardy, but being an actor is a pretty shady place to be because you never know where your next job is.

When a large financial institution is allowed to fail, you put in jeopardy hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people.

I always dreamed of working in an MLB front office and ruining baseball, but I have to settle for ruining 'Jeopardy' instead.

I think what makes 'Jeopardy!' special is that, among all the quiz and game shows out there, ours tends to encourage learning.

It's real simple - we all have nightmares, and the idea you can be in real jeopardy in them is a great gimmick. It's universal.

If we don't have a vigorous questioning, aggressive journalistic community and mythology, democracy itself is in great jeopardy.

You wouldn't think it would make a ton of sense, but I've been on Jeopardy! for over 20 years now, so it's kind of like going home.

It doesn't matter how smart you are; to audition for 'Jeopardy,' you just have to luck out and know what they're asking you that day.

If a man puts a lion's family in jeopardy, what would it do? Would it enjoy fighting? Of course it wouldn't, but it's going to fight.

In terms of music, I can try anything I want, even something that doesn't work at all, because I'm not putting my career in jeopardy.

I watch 'Jeopardy!' every night and 'Wheel of Fortune' follows. And every time I'm like, 'Whoa, it's still on! This is still happening!'

And understandably so, that when you're in legal jeopardy, you really cannot put yourself in a position to open yourself up to the media.

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