My full name is Jonathan.

I think Jonathan Ross is brilliant.

I am a longtime, rabid fan of Jonathan Kozol.

Jonathan Bennett and I are very close friends.

I was hanging out with Jonathan Richman last night.

Jonathan Demme is a very sharp editor of his movies.

And who wouldn't want to date Jonathan Bennett, right?

I did sit on Jonathan's head in the womb for nine months.

I'm a quarter of an inch taller than Jonathan at 6-foot-4 1/2.

People like Ian McEwan and Jonathan Franzen completely bore me.

I'm a huge fan of Don Leo Jonathan. I love that era of wrestling.

Will Shatner, Jonathan Frakes of Star Trek have already put novels out.

I had previously been in the band the Modern Lovers with Jonathan Richman.

Jonathan Sadowski is a kick in the pants; he's become a really good buddy.

The contemporary authors I most admire are Nick Hornby and Jonathan Tropper.

I'm plastic so I will never age, but Jonathan definitely has an expiration date.

Your basic, well-made novel by Ian McEwan or Jonathan Franzen just bores me silly.

I always think of Gilbert Norrell as being Salieri to Jonathan Strange being Mozart.

Obviously I am not bothered about men's fashion - is anyone, apart from Jonathan Ross?

I don't know how much the economy has changed since Jonathan Swift's 'A Modest Proposal.'

I'm thinking of trying to talk Jonathan Toews into running for Congress. We could use him.

I just want to say this thing about Jonathan Van Ness: I love that boy more than life itself.

Jonathan and I love flipping homes. We've been renovating and flipping houses since the '90s.

There are so many talented young writers named Jonathan, with whom by comparison I suffer terribly.

I used to fancy Jonathan Rhys Meyers. I didn't tell him that when we worked together on 'Another Me.'

Wil Wheaton, Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes were all the early formidable crushes of my girlhood.

Quite honestly, I'm so happy to be Jonathan's wife and my children's mum that anything else is a bonus.

I don't want to see Jonathan lose at anything. And that's why together we're actually stronger as a team.

I think a big bucket list item for me and Jonathan is to produce some of our own scripted films and series.

'Certifiably Jonathan' contrives crises for its subject - a bid to get his paintings into MOMA, among others.

Jonathan David has a lot of qualities, as you can tell in the Belgian league he's been scoring and assisting.

I know Jonathan Van Ness from comedy, and he's got this wonderful show on Funny or Die called 'Gay of Thrones.'

Jonathan and I are outspoken. If there's something that's bothering us we just say it, deal with it, and move on.

I love acting and directed. And Jonathan loved magic. Whatever we were passionate about, our parents supported us.

In 'Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell,' I wanted to create the most convincing story of magic and magicians that I could.

When you live in Brooklyn, if you throw a rock, you'll hit a writer - Jonathan Safran Foer, Jonathan Lethem, Paul Auster.

On CBC Radio, the Canadian national radio, there's a show called 'WireTap.' The host is Jonathan Goldstein. It's amazing.

After working with Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, and Jonathan Mangum, I said, 'I am never going to talk about improv again.'

Jonathan is that brilliant little fire that burns within us all, that lives only for those moments when we reach perfection.

Jonathan Lethem's 10th novel, 'The Blot,' is engaging, entertaining, and sharp for its first two-thirds. Then it goes to hell.

I played Jonathan Livingston Seagull in a musical version of 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull' in Austin, TX. It was pretty special.

When we were in high school, Jonathan would always try to embarrass me in front of girls, so I consider it my duty to pay him back.

I don't have a deep link with England like, say, Jonathan Coe or Hanif Kureishi might demonstrate. For me, it is like a mythical place.

Jonathan Franzen seems like the grumpiest guy, and he doesn't seem to like much of anything, so I really don't care what he has to say.

In terms of comedians, I loved, growing up, Jonathan Winters, Sid Caesar, Jackie Gleason, Phil Silvers, Carol Burnett, all those people.

When you watch Robin Williams, you can see a lot of Jonathan Winters. Robin is the first one to admit that; he worshiped Jonathan Winters.

Jonathan Agnew is a good person to learn off because he's a brilliant broadcaster and the calmness and clarity with which he does things is a real skill.

After a gig I always head back to the hotel, remembering granny's words of wisdom. I cancel the late-night pizza and watch the Jonathan Ross show instead.

My full name's Jonathan Kimble, but my parents didn't want to call me either. So for a while, I went by Kim, which is a name for a girl or a Korean person.

Of course, I'd like to earn Jonathan Ross's money, but I don't have sleepless nights wondering when someone's going to knock on my door with sacks of cash.

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