Josh McEachran is a great player.

Josh Freeman will be an MVP candidate.

I like Josh Hart. I've liked him since 'Nova.

My favorite cast member of 'Scandal' is Josh Malina.

I'm still mad at Josh Charles for dying on 'The Good Wife.'

I'm not Josh Brolin or Ryan Gosling. They're more noir than I.

Josh Mendel has a secret. Unfortunately, everyone knows what it is.

I love all music. Right now I am loving Josh Grobin and Kelly Clarkson.

Nate Robinson has a lot of jumping ability, but I don't see Josh losing.

I have a huge crush on Josh Hutcherson and all the guys in One Direction!

Guys like Josh Gordon need to stay in his sport and mind his own business.

I count my blessings every day for getting to play Josh in 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.'

Producer Shrikant Mohta of Venkatesh Films that made 'Josh,' is like my godfather.

You don’t break up with someone just because of an argument, Josh. At least, I don’t.

I want to be so strong as an actor that people wouldn't say... eh, that's Josh Lucas.

I remember having a lot of Josh White albums. Johnny Cash. Elvis. I loved the Coasters.

One thing I love about Josh Turner is his faith; that's why I looked up to him so much.

I don't get like when people say Josh Norman is tough. Don't get me wrong, he's a good player.

I had an audition where Josh Brolin was pelting me with his personality. I didn't get the part.

I picked up the Joss Stone album, Josh Groban, and the new Norah Jones. I love, love, love Norah.

I feel like Josh, Michelle and Adam were all team players, who wanted to be a part of an ensemble.

My life is PG-13 sometimes, and I really want Josh Grogan to propose to me, and he just won't do it.

Josh will begin disappearing into a future where the only place he and I remain friends is on the Internet.

I played with Willie Mays and against Hank Aaron. They were tremendous players, but they were no Josh Gibson.

I'm a huge fan of John Malkovich and Josh Brolin, and Michael Shannon has got to be one of my favorite actors.

The natural gas industry has worked long and hard to smear Josh Fox, the director of 'Gasland,' and has failed.

I've played with the best drummers in rock, ranging from Josh Freese to Brooks Wackerman to even Dave Lombardo.

I was like, 'Josh Tillman, you are not a songwriter. You are an ape. Stop thinking of yourself as a songwriter.'

I'm really high on Josh Allen. He reminds me of Ben Roethlisberger. He's got the big arm. He's a very good athlete.

Josh Brolin is an actor that I really, really like; he's fantastic. I worked with him once; he's a really great actor.

If you only see 'No Country for Old Men' and 'Sicario,' you've seen two great, totally separate Josh Brolin performances.

I love 'Drake and Josh.' It's supposed to have a demographic of ages 9-14, but really, it's 9-84. There is no demographic.

It was so freeing to branch out and work with people like Josh Dun of 21 Pilots who played on 'Savage' and 'Almost Had Me.'

Jennifer [Lawrence] and Josh [Hutcherson] seem very, very grounded. They're getting down to the film like they did last time.

I played the young Reese Witherspoon in 'Sweet Home Alabama' when I was 7, and the boy who played the young Josh Lucas was 10.

I started posting a few covers on SoundCloud in 2017, and that got me into contact with my producer who I still work with, Josh Fountain.

Music can connect people on an intimate level. What Josh and I are trying to do is represent anyone who has some of the questions that we have.

I do have some unfinished business with Josh Thomson. I think that's a fight fans want to see, it's a fight Bellator wants, it's a fight I want.

I filmed the 'Sicario' sequel 'Soldado' with Benicio del Toro and Josh Brolin. That was cool. I play the female lead. I'm the bad guy's daughter.

Josh Brolin is fascinating to watch because he is just so effortless. It's like watching a really gifted athlete run, and I just didn't have that.

Then a friend of Jim's suggested we make a theme song to explain the story, and this is where the Mads came from. Josh and I wrote it into the theme song.

Josh Allen has a strong arm, we all know that... I've been around the league to know it's one of the stronger arms, but there a lot of guys with strong arms.

Oh, yeah - 'The Good Wife' was a lot of fun to do. It was a short scene I did, but Josh Charles was very nice, and Julianna Margulies was so sweet. We had a very good time.

Filming scenes like that are always odd but I feel comfortable with Josh and care about him a great deal, so it could be much worse. Scenes like that are just part of the job.

'Drake and Josh' was strictly nine to five. We'd go in and know what we were doing, and 'Superhero Movie' was just nuttiness every day because there's a joke every ten seconds.

I moved to L.A. and did a two-part episode of this British export show called 'Cracker.' I kissed Josh Hartnett. I think Josh Hartnett's first onscreen kiss was me, unfortunately.

Two of my favorite artists are Josh Smith and Joe Bradley. But I argued against them for years, until I grew to love them and felt stupid for my immediate reaction towards their work.

Thank you to Josh Harris for the trust he has placed in me to lead the 76ers. I am humbled by the challenge and will work tirelessly to win the hearts of Philadelphia's legendary fans.

Rather than highlighting music's differences, Kids & Explosions' Josh Raskin mixes songs together based on their surprising common ground, making them blend rhythmically and melodically.

In those projects with Sting and Josh Groban and people like that, I see a very interesting effect: their fans coming to my classical concerts, people who've never been to a classical show at all.

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