I pride myself on having a journalistic remove.

Compliments aren't really a journalistic angle.

I'm not an expert on journalistic standards. I want to be clear on that.

I had to bring the idea of journalistic distance to writing about myself.

A journalistic purpose could be someone with a Xerox machine in a basement.

It greatly upsets me when I'm called a journalistic toad - I mean, I am a journalist!

I think it's a lack of journalistic integrity to print things with anonymous sources.

There's a kind of journalistic narcissism that New York-based journalists are guilty of.

There is no higher claim to journalistic integrity than going to jail to protect a source.

I have no interest in interfering or involving myself in journalistic integrity or process.

'Nothing But the Truth' is a journalistic thriller that is set during the end of days for print media.

Chicago is a sort of journalistic Yellowstone Park, offering haven to a last herd of fantastic bravos.

Documentary film without nuanced journalistic sourcing risks being sensational, tendentious or broad-brushed.

Withholding information that would get innocent people killed was the right thing to do, not a journalistic sin.

I am not a great believer in the idea that journalistic neutrality means you have to abandon the people you talk to.

That's what I think a journalist from the '70s and '80s should look like - as though he has led a full journalistic life.

The media does play a vital role in our democracy, and if we cannot depend on journalistic ethics, the nation's in trouble.

I think it is quite untrue that it is standard journalistic practice to name the interviewer when quoting from an interview.

You learn nothing if you carry with you a journalistic system of values, which is invented to save reporters from experience.

By a twist of fate rather than anything approaching journalistic enterprise, I did the last major interview with Johnny Carson.

If we don't have a vigorous questioning, aggressive journalistic community and mythology, democracy itself is in great jeopardy.

I have no interest in non-fiction. I don't read it and don't watch it and don't write it, other than a little journalistic column.

If anything is guaranteed to annoy a lexicographer, it is the journalistic habit of starting a story with a dictionary definition.

Fidelity to the subject's thought and to his characteristic way of expressing himself is the sine qua non of journalistic quotation.

Nothing gets my journalistic juices flowing more than a seaside chalet, the mention of a private jet, or room service in St. Tropez.

My journalistic heroes are Peter Jennings and Ted Koppel and Tim Russert and Edward R. Murrow, among others, because they were tough.

I treated the first few books as a very long journalistic exercise. I thought of every chapter as an article that needed to be finished.

I began my journalistic career on the day Ronald Reagan was sworn in. That's the day I showed up for work at 'The New Republic' magazine.

As reporters set aside their traditional role as fact seekers and veer into advocacy, they find themselves on a slippery journalistic slope.

In another life, before taking the veil of journalistic purity, I practiced the black arts of a political operative, including 'debate prep.'

This is the first time in my 32 years in public broadcasting that PBS has ordered up programs for ideological instead of journalistic reasons.

GamerGate-promoted outlets fail at grown-up journalistic ethics, and they also fail at the cheap knockoff brand of GamerGate brand ethics, too.

The journalistic vision sharpens to the point of maximum impact every event, every individual and social configuration; but the honing is uniform.

Sometimes in news photography and so on, the pictures are a little bit dry, and put on the page and just set in a journalistic way in front of you.

I think it's very healthy to use journalistic and legal techniques to investigate the evidence for and against Christianity and other faith systems.

The journalistic endeavor - at least theoretically - is grounded in objectivity. The goal is to get you to understand what happened, when and to whom.

For decades, the journalistic norm had been that the private lives of public officials remained private unless that life impinged on public performance.

Every year at this time I join a growing number of journalistic flagellants in enumerating things that I got wrong in the previous annum's worth of columns.

If I wanted to take a more activist or journalistic slant in work, I should probably just go be an activist or a journalist. But I'm happy being a comedian.

And Robert Lowell, of course - in his poems, we're not located in his actual life. We're located more in the externals, in the journalistic facts of his life.

As a journalist, a big part of what you do is search for drama and conflict. And a lot of the backstory with 'Billions' is grounded in my journalistic background.

Now everybody is questioning everything, so it's up to journalists who really care about the truth to fight for their corner of the truth and journalistic freedom.

'The Guardian,' with its deep journalistic traditions, is careful about context and explanation. It sees itself as a gatekeeper, and it worries about consequences.

I have been a sports fan my whole life. To be able to talk about sports in an intelligent, journalistic fashion and to do things of a serious nature is a dream job.

I'm still an old-school reporter at heart. Writing fiction satisfies my journalistic need to hear and relay the testimony of everyday people at the center of events.

My journalistic heroes are all the guys like Peter Arnett of Vietnam, and my style in journalism is you got to stand there, and you got to see it with your own eyes.

I'm from a more rigourous journalistic background. If I say a car is good or bad, the viewers can trust the fact that I have spent all my working life reviewing cars.

Hunter and I never got proper journalistic accreditation to go anywhere. Nobody was giving us passes to go in here or there. We always had to somehow talk our way in.

A lot of journalists don't want to conflate their own opinions with those of their employers… With a YouTube video, you can be as personal or as journalistic as you want.

Indeed in the full flush of journalistic passion and conviction I once told an interviewer that of course I would never get married. And I most definitely would never have children.

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