The artist is justified by his art.

There are no justified resentments.

Successful crimes alone are justified.

I think violence can never be justified.

All I want is to enter my house justified.

Life doesn't need to be justified or judged.

The Electoral College is justified and right.

Nobody with a good car needs to be justified.

Justified means just as if you've never sinned.

Sexuality doesn't need to be defended or justified.

I love the conflict of relationships on 'Justified.'

Lincoln had faith in time, and time has justified his faith.

All men think they're fascinating. In my case, it's justified.

No man is justified in doing evil on the ground of expedience.

No state more extensive than the minimal state can be justified.

Certainly the interest in asserting copyright is a justified one.

A lot of police shootings are justified, but many others are not.

The only justifications for belief have the form "justified for me".

No trait is more justified than revenge in the right time and place.

Having been unable to strengthen justice, we have justified strength.

Almost anything can be justified as a style of filmmaking if it works.

My life and creative work are justified and completed by Blade Runner.

We don't deliberately set out to offend. Unless we feel it's justified.

Real mathematics must be justified as art if it can be justified at all.

In my religion I really cannot think of cases where violence is justified.

The worst resentment that anybody can have is one you feel justified to keep.

We are not justified by doing good works, but being justified we then do good.

I hold any writer sufficiently justified who is himself in love with his theme.

I constantly think I'm a fraud, that this success is not warranted or justified.

Are you living to justify yourself, or are you living because you are justified?

I needed freedom to really express myself. That's really what Justified is about.

'Justified' is one of the greatest teams I've ever played for. It's just awesome.

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.

I constantly think I'm a fraud - that this success is not warranted or justified.

It is okay to put as much money as you want in a story, as long as it is justified.

You must embrace the man you hate, if you cannot be justified in knocking him down.

'Justified' had such dead-on beautiful scripts that you didn't want to mess with it.

Yes, there are circumstances where a bloody suppression is justifiable and justified.

The secreting of wealth in tax havens is often justified as 'legitimate tax planning.'

Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence.

A means can be justified only by its end. But the end in its turn needs to be justified.

If you get validation from outside, then suddenly everything you do at home is justified.

Tilapia have often been represented as the aquatic chicken, and it's perfectly justified.

I am not a pacifist - I think that violence and self-defence are often morally justified.

Rebellion cannot exist without the feeling that somewhere, in some way, you are justified.

If I can just see the European war out I think I might feel justified in quitting the war.

Violence doesn't feel good. Justified violence feels great. And fighting solves everything.

I justified working so hard by knowing that I was helping to maintain the roof over our heads.

Without a knowledge of the gospel plan, transgression seems natural, innocent, even justified.

My wife and I ran through 'Justified' in, like, a day. And that is such a funny, amazing show.

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