I'm a horrible karaoke singer.

Karaoke is the great equalizer.

I was arrested for lip-syncing karaoke.

I have a huge repertoire. I love karaoke.

Music is being treated as one big karaoke machine.

When I go to karaoke, I'm still the worst guy there.

I've developed a karaoke habit. I've become a crooner.

I don't believe in karaoke. Let's let the singers sing.

I dread karaoke. I hate karaoke. I can't sing - that is why.

I'm a big karaoke fan and I also love Justin Bieber unashamedly.

Sometimes I do need to go to karaoke, sometimes I need to relax.

I'm not the best cruise ship crooner. I'm not the best karaoke guy.

Everyone loves a good singsong, so we all do a bit of karaoke or something.

I once heard someone doing a karaoke version of my song. That was pretty funny.

I love karaoke. I love maudlin country ballads. In another life I'd be Loretta Lynn.

You're always remembering songs you wanna sing except when you're actually at karaoke.

I only sing in my church choir. Except the other night, I stole the show at karaoke night.

I have been called the human jukebox, yes. But karaoke is not meant for people who can sing!

I've always been frightened of karaoke, so I've never tried it. Karaoke scares the hell out of me!

I've had to adjust to karaoke as a modern reality that obscures our hunt for what we're truly after.

I used to hang out at karaoke bars all the time. It was the most fun you could have when you had no money.

I went to a Karaoke Bar last night that didn't play any 70s music, at first I was afriad, oh I was petrified

When you go to karaoke with a professional singer and they really start singing, there's no bigger buzzkill than that.

I have no talent when it comes to pianos or guitars or any of that, even karaoke. For karaoke, I have to be wasted to get up there and sing.

Everyone's a singer now, thanks to karaoke, for better and for much worse. But the live band is now becoming ancient history in Thailand, Cambodia, and Burma.

I only did karaoke once in my life. It was with Courtney Love and it was a total disaster. She pulled me on stage in front of 500 people at a wedding. I'd never done karaoke before.

I'm a panicked karaoke participant because I am always searching for a song in the moment. I don't have my go to song. I will be driving along and I will be like, "That should be my karaoke song!" and then I forget what song it is.

If our show [Carpool Karaoke] shines, then I shine. I don't ever want to come out and make anything about me. I want to make it about them, make them the best that they can be. And the whole thing is a collaboration, those carpools.

I don't like karaoke because the mics are always so worn out. The quality of the mics is such that you're always going (screaming) "Yeah, yeah!" and then you can't like it. It's like sometimes I'm too professional to get up and do it.

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