Nothing's worse than a woman know-it-all.

I think I know it all, relatively speaking.

If you think you know it all, you really know nothing.

The biggest fool is the one who thinks he knows it all.

If you think you know it all, you are missing something.

I don’t want to know anything, and I want to know it all

Healing is too big a topic for any one person to know it all.

When you think you know it all, there's not much that you'll learn.

Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out they don't.

I am forced to the conclusion that modern medicine does not know it all.

What is really important is what you learn after thinking you know it all.

A know-it-all is a person who knows everything except for how annoying he is.

But I've got more to learn, too. I don't feel like I'm done or I know it all.

The only things worth learning are the things you learn after you know it all.

An important mark of a good leader [is] to know you don’t know it all and never will.

The smartest thing is knowing that I don't know it all and that there's more to learn.

The biggest idiot you will meet in life will be the person that thinks they know it all.

You live with life's disappointments and learn from them. At seventy-eight, I know it all.

Then stop being a know-it-all lionpaw retorted You're not my mentor so stay out of my fur. Lionpaw at Berrynose in Outcast pg 67

Nobody really knows, do they? They told Stephen Hawking he only had a year left to live and how many years ago was that? You can't know it all.

Always be suspicious of those who pretend to know it all, claim their way is the best way and are willing to force their way on the rest of us.

That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger,” said Snape coolly. “Five more points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all.

Keep learning; don't be arrogant by assuming that you know it all, that you have a monopoly on the truth; always assume that you can learn something from someone else.

Donald Trump is a great listener, and he's a good challenger. He doesn't come across as a person who thinks he knows it all. In fact, he once told me he has had lot of things to learn.

Sister Monica Joan murmured, as though to herself, but loud enough to be heard by all, "How perfectly charming. Old enough to know it all, and young enough to blush. Perfectly charming.

I had a million plans. I knew what I was going to do. I had the next few years of my life all figured out. But what I didn’t know was that within a few hours all those plans would change. Ms. Know-it-all didn’t quite know it all so much then.

My concept of an advice giver had been a therapist or a know-it-all, and then I realized nobody listens to the know-it-alls. You turn to the people you know, the friend who has been in the thick of it or messed up - and I'm that person for sure.

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