I also want to thank Arizona citizens for their efforts at conserving energy last summer.

I was much entertained last summer with a tame bat, which would take flies out of a person's hand.

It is nice when other keepers say, 'Well done for last summer.' Petr Cech said that. It is touching.

One night last summer, all the killers in my head assembled on a stage in Massachusetts to sing show tunes.

But last summer I signed a contract extension and that was me committing my future to Fulham. I live around here, I'm settled. I love it.

My natural color is dark blond, but right now I like being a brunette. I did a movie last summer and they dyed my hair platinum - I hated it.

The first time I ever saw a horror movie, I think I was in middle school, and we watched 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' and 'It' at a slumber party.

We only get together when there's a good reason. Like, last summer, we didn't really intend to go out, but we thought the B-52's tour was a good opportunity.

I did an internship with Mike (Shanahan) and the Redskins last summer and I knew after a week and a half that it wasn't for me. I think I knew that going in, but I wanted to make sure.

We were also fortunate enough to engage in our service a Canadian Frenchmen, who had been with the Chayenne Indians on the Black mountains, and last summer descended thence by the Little Missouri.

It's like a series of waves hitting you. First, getting excerpted in the 'New Yorker' last summer, then getting published, then the best-seller list, the award, the movie deal, now this, a Pulitzer.

Last summer when we were preparing for the movie, I actually kind of wanted to stay fairly uninformed about it. As we went through the process that we do in the movie, I wanted to be a little wide-eyed.

As hurricanes Katrina and Rita raged through the southeastern United States last summer, much of America's energy infrastructure based in the Gulf of Mexico was damaged or destroyed causing gas prices to soar.

In conformity with these designs on the city of Washington, and notwithstanding the disastrous results of the invasion of 1862, it was determined by the Rebel government last summer to resume the offensive in that direction.

Last summer a second unit production crew went to France and shot scenes for several of this season's episodes. They shot costumed actors in and around real castles and landmarks, we couldn't possibly have duplicated here in Hollywood.

I don't think anyone can call a movie like 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' a horror movie. It's a jolt. It's a series of jolts followed by a quick one-liner that's wallpapered with an MTV rock & roll soundtrack. That's not horror to me.

Five years after the Chernobyl disaster, in the summer of 1991, the last summer the Soviet Union was still in existence, I visited Ukraine. I trekked out to the 20-mile exclusion zone - it had been cleared of all people after the accident - together with some local environmental activists.

If I had gotten the parts in 'Scream' or 'I Know What You Did Last Summer,' I would not have been very good in them, and I would've squandered whatever success I had gotten because I wasn't ready for that sort of thing. So I feel grateful for all of the years that I have behind me trying to get traction and a career.

I used to work at this store called Music Plus in San Clemente, California, when I was growing up, and then they became Blockbuster Music, and, like, you had to get a haircut to work there, and at the time I had some pretty long hair. So after that policy was imposed, I knew that was going to be my last summer working there.

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