If a statement is untrue, it is not the more respectable because it has been said in Latin.

The language of God is not English or Latin; the language of God is cellular and molecular.

My intent is never to leave Latin music. I definitely still want to release bachata albums.

If I have played my part well, clap your hands, and dismiss me with applause from the stage.

It's almost as if people think that in Latin America we're not hip to what's happening here.

I love the sounds of Latin jazz, R&B, hip-hop, alternative, all that stuff. I'm a radio kid.

Well, by the standards of a lot of countries, by Latin American standards, it wasn't so bad.

So that I saw music as a way of documenting realities from the urban cities of Latin America.

I accommodated practically all of the liberation movements, including those of Latin America.

In fact, eloquence in English will inevitably make use of the Latin element in our vocabulary.

With a very few exceptions, every word in the French vocabulary comes straight from the Latin.

No writer or speaker who ignores the roots of Latin derivatives is secure from egregious error.

I have a very deep care for Latin America, and, of course, for what was going on in El Salvador.

Not only does the world scarcely know who the Latin American man is, the world has barely cared.

In Chile they have no movies. They have awful popular movies. I am not a Latin American creator.

Am I Latin? Am I American? What the hell am I? I love my culture and I'm very proud of my culture

Blend a little folly with thy worldly plans: it is delightful to give loose on a proper occasion.

There is no doubt that Greek and Latin are great and handsome ornaments, but we buy them too dear.

I am what is called a professor emeritus—from the Latin e, 'out,' and meritus, 'so he ought to be.

I feel I'll take on the responsibility of showing the world a whole different kind of Latin woman.

If there's anything I hate, it's the vibraphone. And the cha-cha-cha. And Latin rhythms generally.

Even a god finds it hard to love and be wise at the same time. -Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur

My whole life, I grew up with this double vision, this vision of America but also Latin community.

Am I Latin? Am I American? What the hell am I? I love my culture and I'm very proud of my culture.

The United States is using its war on drugs as an excuse to expand its control over Latin America.

The Colombian economy is very strong. We have one of the highest rates of growth in Latin America.

Chemistry is a gibberish of Latin and German; but in Leibig's hands it becomes a powerful language.

No offense to Iceland, but Latin America is where the fugitive leaker Edward Snowden should settle.

To our brothers in Latin America and the world, we must convey that the Cuban people will overcome.

I'm a traditionalist. I'm a Latin mass Catholic, and I hold to traditional views of responsibility.

I'm the Latin artist who has been the most successful in history at representing the Latin culture.

I want to be a storyteller - not only of the Latin experience but of people who want to be inspired.

The Latin musical tradition is very rich and gives the singer a lot of freedom to explore a range of

The word enchant comes from the Latin 'incantare', meaning to sing or chant magical words or sounds.

Whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble. (Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum.)

I love dancing to Latin music, so I have a trainer who dances with me for an hour three times a week.

The Latin musical tradition is very rich and gives the singer a lot of freedom to explore a range of.

If the Romans had been obliged to learn Latin, they would never have found time to conquer the world.

And I was in another band called Flash In The Pan, which was soca, Latin music, down in Laguna Beach.

Latin Americans are all too familiar with the boom and bust cycles associated with economic populism.

Worship, from the Latin word meaning "worth-ship", is where we express God's worth to us in our lives.

I think Latin guys are really sexy. They generally fit into that whole tall, dark, and handsome thing.

To be able to make other girls play - and hopefully in Latin America as well - is very important to me.

I like 'Firework' because it is very different from our past songs and was inspired by the Latin genre.

Latin people love to dance. Nothing is more powerful than a Latin man doing 'Mambo Number 5' by himself.

We need a lot more positive Latin role models in movies and in television. They exist! It's not fiction.

I spent my last year of high school in Latin America, and there's a edge of salsa under all of my rhythms

Basketball in Latin America is growing a lot and it's being seen with the quantity of players in the NBA.

I think for the U.S. government the Sandinistas represented a threat to their dominance of Latin America.

Would you trust the linguistic intuitions of someone who has been studying Latin or Greek for three days?

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