We're still eating the leftovers of World War II.

My look is more grandmother’s leftovers than heroin chic.

The first time I read 'Leftovers,' I didn't get it at all.

My wife cooks. I can't cook. I can remix leftovers pretty good, though.

I'm very average. I'm into fresh, yummy family food. I'm into leftovers.

Since I don't have much time to cook, I tend to cook in bulk and eat leftovers.

My favorite time of day is to get up and eat leftovers from dinner, especially spicy food.

Once, I was a master at recycling leftovers. Now I cultivate the art of simmering memories.

All things come to him who waits, but they are mostly leftovers from those who didn't wait.

But nothing beats a Woody Allen film on a Sunday night, with a glass of wine and some leftovers.

I think 'The Leftovers' is one of the most extraordinary shows that has ever seen the light of day.

Whenever people ask me if it's okay to stop watching "The Leftovers," I always say OF COURSE IT IS.

A quick shallow fry is a great way to transform leftovers, and no more so than in the case of risotto.

Advancing bourgeois society liquidates memory, time, recollection as irrational leftovers of the past.

In restaurants in my Brooklyn neighborhood, I always ask for a doggie bag to bring the leftovers home.

I spent half my life being hurt. The leftovers of hurt are an automatic gesture, like a dog that salivates.

God doesn't want your leftovers. God wants your love overtures, your first-overs, because He is your first love.

It's not leftovers that are wasteful, but those who either don't know what to do with them or can't be bothered.

I am someone who puts their takeout or leftovers into the Tupperware and stores it in the refrigerator overnight.

I go light on breakfast. Sometimes it's a yogurt, but a lot of times it's leftovers from one of my wife's dinners.

The whole point of the system is to bribe you with the leftovers of what they have stolen from you in the first place.

'The Leftovers' is my favorite job I've ever had in my life, anywhere, ever. It is one of the greatest TV shows ever made.

Boxing is one of those leftovers from a more primitive past that should be finished off and killed. I don't love it anymore.

Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart.

At the end of the week, my husband and I do a leftovers dinner, where we have to use whatever's in the fridge. It's sort of a game.

Restaurants should be forced to recycle their leftovers for animal consumption - and should create fewer leftovers in the first place.

For lunch, I tend to eat leftovers. I'm always recipe testing, so I tend to enjoy whatever is left in the fridge. I'm a big snacker, too.

At school, I always wanted to belong to a gang, and no one would have me. So I'd have make my own gang, but with everybody else's leftovers.

I really have the good fortune that the actors who work with me on 'The Leftovers' are thoughtful, hard working, open people and generous people.

Finding exciting ways to use leftovers is what we all struggle with. There's one simple thing that you can do to transform them: Stock your pantry.

The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.

Another suggestion is to cook a meal, maybe not every night, but a couple more times a week than you usually do. That way you have leftovers, and you take your lunch to work.

If I'm in the country, my big idea is to do nothing. It means talking, it means cooking with the leftovers in the fridge - l'art d'accommoder les restes - it means gardening.

We want to teach families how to cook Tuscan wherever you are. How to reuse your leftovers. How to trick the kids into eating whatever you want by putting it into a frittata.

When Bob goes into the studio, he didn't just say, 'I'm going to do one album by itself.' No, we always had leftovers and some that were what you'd call rejects, we have those too.

I feel like, in some ways, I couldn't be a luckier actor to have Stick from 'Daredevil' and Senior from 'The Leftovers.' Two really different, incredible parts to do. I'm just lucky.

With so many delicious varieties and flavors ranging from subtle to bold, Keebler and Carr's crackers are an unexpectedly genius way to celebrate leftovers and serve up one-of-a-kind recipes.

I think if people stick with 'The Leftovers,' it's a very rewarding viewing experience. I wanted to be part of that - and what a great cast we got. I wanted to be one of those actors, in that show!

I feel like 'Leftovers' is dealing with subject matter that's kind of taboo when you're talking about religion and faith. They found a way to make it mysterious and intriguing without making people upset.

With 'The Leftovers,' I was actually super, super lucky. It was my first major audition. When I came out, the casting director was kissing me on the face, and I was like, 'Oh, that's probably a good sign.'

I grew up with nothing, and I know that I don't need anything to be happy. We were wearing second-hand clothing and eating leftovers, and I was so happy. Five-star hotels and private pick-ups hasn't changed that.

My mother really would make these dreadful concoctions. She really prided herself on something called 'Everything Stew,' where she would take everything in the refrigerator, all the leftovers, and put them all together.

New York apartments are notoriously small, and my cute little studio is no exception - space is at a premium, which is one of the reasons that I only have a mini-fridge. Great for leftovers, cheese, and chilling Diet Coke.

In my experience as an actor over so many years, I don't know when I have been touched so deeply on so many levels as I have been by 'The Leftovers' in my three years there. It is a profound exploration of life, of grief, of loss.

My grandmother used to make the most incredible chicken divan, and my mom has carried out that tradition. It's my comfort food. It's amazing how you can almost taste the memories with a dish like that! And the more leftovers, the better.

I simply believe food is too good to throw away - and Christmas leftovers can be a gastronomic opportunity for the well-skilled kitchen forager. With a little imagination, there are a million ways to use up leftovers rather than bin them.

I went from living in a house with five guys in Palo Alto, and living off their leftovers, to all of a sudden having all kinds of resources. And I wanted to figure out how I could take the blessing of these resources and share it with the world.

Wolves are afraid of humans, whereas dogs are not. Wolves hunt game, whereas dogs scavenge human leftovers or eat what their human companions put out for dinner. Wolves are not great at following human commands, whereas dogs are brilliant at it.

I really don't do much on the night of Thanksgiving other than bring the wine and carve the turkey. My contribution comes the day after, in the form of breakfast. I usually just forage through the leftovers for things that will go well with eggs.

The only exercise I got as a kid was fork to mouth. Food was equated with love in my household. I thought you left the table when the zipper was down and you'd explode if you took another bite. I'd eat my plate and then everyone else's leftovers.

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