A lot of legends, a lot of people, have come before me. But this is my time.

Legends were not only for the desperate. Legends were for the brave. (Soren)

There are no legends about the Duponts; the legends are about Howard Hughes.

At the end of the day, I wanna be a great...a legend. I've been working hard.

No one beats The Legend Killer.. Thats why I'm the greatest in this business!

In the end, Dan Rather's legend skewered him, CBS and the craft of journalism.

Don't compare me to Stormzy. Me and Stormzy are both legends in our own right.

She's a legend. She's really huge in the Czech Republic. Everywhere, actually.

Not even your love could withhold you from fulfilling your own personal legend.

But life is not a legend or a story. Reality is far more precious than a story.

Call me Buffy. I’m even blond, but don’t ask me to wear a halter top. Or corset.

Nobody in America, in the modern generation, has read their mythology or legends.

I grew up listening to legends such as Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., and Tony Bennett.

To him who knows how to read the legend, it conveys more truth than the chronicle.

Not yet, when I'm gone I'll be a legend, right now I'm just very good at what I do.

According to legend. Telford is so dull that the by-pass was built before the town.

A legend is an old man with a cane known for what he used to do. I'm still doing it.

Legends that endure in the future...were events that took place in the distant past.

We usually say that you cannot become a legend before death. But I am a living legend

Legends are best left as legends and attempts to make them real are rarely successful

Like the newspapers used to say, if the truth isn't big enough, you print the legend.

Mixtape legend, underground kings... Looking for the right way to do the wrong things

Every craggy and gnarled tree has its own strange and graceful legend attached to it.

You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend, or not.

As I gaze upon the sea! All the old romantic legends, all my dreams, come back to me.

Nobody knows anything about Shakespeare the person. It's all legend, it is all rumor.

That's how it is with legends. The greater they sound, the more must've got left out.

[On John F. Kennedy:] ... now he is a legend when he would have preferred to be a man.

I know what I've done for music, but don't call me a legend. Just call me Miles Davis.

In all legends men have thought of women as sublime separately but horrible in a herd.

Everybody says it: black, white; everybody calls me a legend. Italians, Jews. Everybody

It is the chief value of legend to mix up the centuries while preserving the sentiment.

I'm thankful that I have lived long enough to become a legend, and I hope I deserve it.

I may be a living legend, but that sure don't help when I've got to change a flat tire.

The Masters is the one tournament with a timeless quality, where legends are celebrated.

If it's possible to be in a good situation replacing a legend, he's in a good situation.

There are heroes and then there are legends, heroes get remembered but legends never die.

Legends don't have to make sense. They just have to be beautiful. Or at least interesting.

As a kid, I was obsessed with myths and legends and the haunting beauty of gothic stories.

The writer must not invent. The legend on the license must read: NONE OF THIS WAS MADE UP.

When I was younger, I always dreamed of being a legend, to be remembered in figure skating.

There are truths, and there are legends touched with truth, and all can teach you something.

I would be so happy to be back on 'Arrow' or on 'Legends of Tomorrow,' in whatever capacity.

I've kind of grew to enjoy fighting legends that I got into the sport watching and admiring.

It feels so good to be amongst some of the biggest legends in music - it feels quite surreal.

I wrote 'Legends of the Fall' in nine days, but I had been thinking about it for a few years.

I'm drawn to characters who bear similarities to the protagonists in myths and legends. (...)

I feel like I have to put on for my city, because we have so many legends and so many greats.

So I plan to become one of the few to beat Manny Pacquiao and also become one of the legends.

I have been intrigued by Catherine de Medici and the legends surrounding her for a long time.

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