When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ...

When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?'

I am happy, and I am living the life I always dreamed of.

I am always looking forward to learn new things in my life.

I was always attracted by the European way of life, but I am deeply Swedish.

That is always what I've had to do in life: to show I am capable of surviving.

When I hear somebody say 'Life is hard', I am always tempted to ask 'Compared to what?'

I am still adapting to London life, but England was always a country that 'interested me.

I am no more the 'chocolate boy.' Still, romance is always going to be a part of my life.

I am always a beginner. I only try to include different parts of life; the pastoral, the tragic, et cetera.

I am always the better for open-air breathing, and was certainly meant for the wandering life of the Indian.

I'm very happy that major players are always giving their opinions about my life, my game. I am very thankful for that.

I am very lucky to do the things I do like - do a clothing line for Next and go live out a life I always thought I would have.

I am always aware that I've had a special and privileged life, yet it has been balanced by tragedy as it has been for so many others.

I've always lived a life where people have said, 'Look at him. Who does he think he is?' And who I think I am is someone living life to the brim.

I have exposed so much of my own real life. Like I feel like I always try to be honest and I always try to talk about where I am at and what I want.

I am not brutal or cruel to animals. My mission has always been to save dogs - especially troubled and abandoned dogs. I've dedicated my life to this.

I am always naturally drawn to heroines that have human flaws because I enjoy people that have lived their life with courage and make big successes and big failures.

I am always curious to sit down with the actor who's playing the part after the casting process and get to know them, get to understand their life a little bit more.

I have learned that I am not built for conflict or controversy. I have also learned that, in all my life, I have never chosen a story. The story has always chosen me.

Living in New York City, I am reminded by the Statue of Liberty that the United States of America has always welcomed those yearning to breathe free and seek a better life.

I have always liked to live my life in a quiet and peaceful manner. I used to lead my life that way. But the rise in social media has certainly affected me. Now I am always noticed.

I am a responsible parent and have always provided for my children. That fact cannot be disputed. I have made mistakes in my life, but failing to care for my children is not one of them.

I appreciate all of the attention I get in my career. I am a loner and live a rather secluded life so sometimes I do get overwhelmed, but I am always very appreciative of everything, and honored.

There is always a question that arises asking if am a Tamilan. I am 66 years old now. I had been in Karnataka only for 23 years; for the remaining 44 years of my life, I have been in Tamil Nadu with the Tamil people.

I am always concerned with finding the right spot and the right shot, so sometimes I forget to appreciate the skill of my fellow adventurers, but I am aware of how my life has been changed by my ability with a camera.

When I go to farms or little towns, I am always surprised at the discontent I find. And New York, too often, has looked across the sea toward Europe. And all of us who turn our eyes away from what we have are missing life.

Just like any songwriter, the songs come out of where I am in my life and what I'm doing and who I'm hanging out with and the kind of sounds I'm imagining. I always loved the idea of it evolving in the same way that life changes.

The Democratic party is one that I've always observed. I have struggled greatly in life from the day I was born, and I am honored to be a part of something that focuses on working class citizens and molds them into a proud specimen.

I've always been a huge fan of thrillers like David Fincher's 'Se7en.' I am fascinated by the disturbing, dark underbelly of life. I find such films deeply engrossing. They delve deep into the human psyche, and that's a place worth exploring.

I kinda always felt like I am out, for all intents and purposes. So I always came from the standpoint of, 'Why does writing it in an article or saying it in an article make me gay?' That doesn't make me gay or not. I'm living my life. I'm not lying; I don't hide it.

My whole life I've hated to lose, no doubt about it. I've been guilty of that since I was 6 years old, at camp. I have always played to win. That's who I am. But I never hurt anybody. The problem is when you're perceived as being too aggressive where you hurt somebody or do something improper.

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