You cannot always have good times in your life.

Life is good. Or at least, it's always interesting.

Mellow doesn't always make for a good story, but it makes for a good life.

The supreme good of life is vitality. And vitality is always seeping away.

I've played a lot of basketball during my life - and it's not always been good.

Sometimes bleak is good. Sometimes bleak is necessary. Some part of life is always bleak.

That's something I always say is good to do in life, is to leave our mark in this lifetime.

A good argument, like a good dialogue, is always a proof of life, but I'd much rather go and read a book.

I've always thought I'd been pretty good with people, and I basically have spent a conflict-free life, you know?

I've always tried to balance my life with what is good for me but also keeping in mind how it affects somebody else.

I have been very fortunate in my life. I think I have an angel that is always with me. Good projects always come to me.

My mum and dad have always enjoyed life, and it's something that's been instilled in me. I wake up in a good mood most mornings.

What I wanted in life always was to write something as good as 'Pinocchio.' I wanted to write. I wanted to evolve. I wanted to grow.

I've always felt that if you pay your bills and can take care of yourself without too much stress, then it's a pretty damn good life.

One can't relive one's life. Forgiveness is not what's difficult; one's always too ready to forgive. And it does no good, that's obvious.

People don't live a good life when they take themselves too seriously, because they're always concerned about what everybody else thinks.

People will try to pull you down, but you need to fight the negativity in your life. It's always good to stay positive and think positive.

I have always believed that there is nothing greater than a life in rock n' roll - it has to be good rock n' roll - and I still think it is true.

Always do good to others. Be selfless. Mentally remove everything and be free. This is divine life. This is the direct way to Moksha or salvation.

The good die young but not always. The wicked prevail but not consistently. I am confused by life, and I feel safe within the confines of the theatre.

Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim.

My grandmother raised me for a good portion of my life. She moved to Los Angeles with me to be an actor, so I've always had a connection with an older generation.

Life may not always fall into neat chapters, and you may not always get the satisfying ending you're looking for, but sometimes a good explanation is all the rewrite you need.

You can't help but be in a good mood around Blake Shelton. I felt like I always knew him even though I was just meeting him; it was like he had been a part of my life forever.

I always feel freelance writers are leading a heroic life. I think that is the real writer's life. On the other hand, it's good to have another job. It gives you something to do.

No one has a life where everything that happened was good. I think the thing that made life good for me is that I never looked back. I've always been positive, no matter what happened.

There's always a ying-yang in life. With everybody. There's evil in all of us. It's just about how you balance out the evil and the good and having faith in yourself and how you carry yourself.

People always say you should live your life as if it were your last day. I think you should live your life as though it will go on for ever; that every day is so good that you don't want it to end.

I really want to feel that I'm in a very balanced and good place in my life. And I do feel that. But I think it's always important to learn and draw little bits of inspiration from wherever we can.

Some people fight and stuff outside the cage, but I never liked that sort of thing. I just always wanted to do martial arts and I finally did it at 22 years old, so later in life, but it's all good.

To become a classical ballerina, you have to move to New York when you're 12 or 11 and that becomes your life. I just wanted to be good in my company in Charleston and I wanted it to always be part of my life.

The side of fairytales I don't like is that they always have happy endings, that there's just good and evil, and things are perfect. But life is a little more complicated, and that's what I try to teach my kids.

I want to be read, and I certainly want to sell, but I also see my father's eye from Heaven: 'Always write quality. It doesn't matter if you sell; if it's good, it's good - if you capture the complexity of life.'

All my life, I've been sort of a professional optimist, full of good cheer about matters political and journalistic. I always thought I'd get older and become an unnaturally cheerful old fart. But it's not happening.

I can't say I was really that surprised when the doctor told me I needed a defibrillator inserted in my chest. When you've lived the life that I have, you should always expect something like that to crop up. I was not a good boy.

Early in life I learned, just through observation, that right always wins out over wrong. If a person has good intentions in his heart and wants to do the right thing, then there are certain ways that any obstacle can be overcome.

My dark secrets are life threatening. Pockets of unhappiness set in aspic that build and build. I have this primitive feeling that if something good happens, it is going to be followed by something bad. There is always a price to pay.

You either go through your life working for someone and getting a paycheck - and it can be a damn good paycheck, and I am not complaining as someone who has always been a salaried employee - or you can go out and become an entrepreneur.

All my life I have been the guy who always says, 'Oh I think I read a thing about that and you know it's actually true about that is yada yada.' The reaction that I got when I would do that from people when I did that was not always good.

Liberalism regards life as an adventure in which we must take risks in new situation, in which there is no guarantee that the new will always be the good or the true, in which progress is a precarious achievement rather than inevitability.

I think that people sort of stereotype me as the blonde 'Baywatch' girl who's always in a swimsuit, so, I think, to tell my story - that I got up to 175 lbs., was so depressed I couldn't get out of bed - will show that life wasn't always good for me.

I have always been the first on the dance floor. Before fame, people thought it made me a good laugh; now, people point and call me an attention seeker! I'm very aware of the way people can view me, but I'm very aware that I have to just enjoy my life.

Yeah, I'm the Brit who isn't Lewis Hamilton that woke up and realised he was good. I got that tag because I was young, flying around in jets and driving fast cars. I always took my driving seriously, but I suppose I enjoyed life... But I'm not a playboy.

There aren't always, especially in low-income communities, the arts and the dance and the drama and the things that can really show a kid, 'Look, even if I'm three years behind in math, there's something I'm good at that can help me be successful in life.'

I see kids and young adults walking the streets of L.A. with this enormous sense of entitlement, who seem to think that if they are basically good people and pay their bills, then the world will be good back to them. And I think life isn't always like that.

Liberalism, on the other hand, regards life as an adventure in which we must take risks in new situations, in which there is no guarantee that the new will always be the good or the true, in which progress is a precarious achievement rather than inevitability.

If I grew up in 'da hood,' it would make my story so much more interesting - if I had something to escape from. I had a pretty good life. My parents weren't rich; they weren't poor. I wasn't trying to escape from anything. It was always just the pursuit of something cooler.

I really like Los Angeles - I had a good life out there. But the reason I choose to live in New York is because when I'm between engagements, as they say, something creative always comes up for me, like 'Julian Po,' or helping teach at NYU, or helping stage a show at Juilliard.

I can feel things - tap into emotions. When I meet a new person, I know their life straight away. I suppose you could call it a special intuition, but it's my number one quality, and I'm always 99.9 percent right. If I don't like someone, it always turns out to be for a good reason.

I learned something through the experiences in my life, and that is that you never judge how someone may be reacting to a situation because you don't know what they may be going through. It's important that you treat people well, and I try to make people feel good about themselves always.

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