I like to do something good every day of my life, and I wanna leave the earth better than I found it.

I was terrified and confused every day of my life until I started Nasty Gal, and for a good while after as well.

My back hurts real bad, every day. All those bumps took their toll. But life is good and I wouldn't have it any other way.

That is something you can never explain, it is part of all sporting life. Anybody can have a bad day and they can have many good days.

The older you get, the more fragile you understand life to be. I think that's good motivation for getting out of bed joyfully each day.

I can see a version of my life where it all becomes meaningless. On a good day, writing seems noble. Other times, it's narcissistic and pointless.

My mother had a horrific life. At fourteen, she was in the Nazi concentration camps. Her sense about life now is, every day above ground is a good day.

The whole celebrity thing never is normal and I think the fuller your life is, the more you are able to just kind of call a truce with it on a good day.

When you have a song on the radio your career and your life changes maybe for the better and maybe for the not so good... depending on how it's going that day.

I had a very active inner life as a kid. There's a good album or two worth of stuff that I can bring out on a rainy day if I have a loss for inspiration or whatever - even now.

You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle-aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for in later life.

I never thought that I would be a parent and have kids. It is the layer to my life that I never knew I would need. You are around honesty and vulnerability every day - it's so good.

I'm pretty good with languages. I know a bit of French and actually want to live in France some day so that I can get fluent. I think it'd be tragic to go through life only knowing one language.

I have known Che for seven years. We were very good friends. One fine day, he proposed. I had a gut feeling that Che was the right person and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

People always say you should live your life as if it were your last day. I think you should live your life as though it will go on for ever; that every day is so good that you don't want it to end.

There were times over the years when life was not easy, but if you're working a few hours a day and you've got a good book to read, and you can go outside to the beach and dig for clams, you're okay.

Even if I have a good day, I still am aware of other people that are going through really hard, tumultuous things. I don't want to be the person who has a platform and neglects the things I see in my life and experiences.

Real Madrid? There is no agreement, but I promised my grandfather I would play there one day. Why wouldn't I want to discover new things? As I've said several times, I'd like to play in Spain and have good weather for once in my life!

Wrestlers tend to do good in MMA because they tend to be just some tough guys. It's not a karate situation where they grew up their whole life punching the air; in a wrestling situation, you grab a hold of another human being every day.

When you come off that last hole and you've just finished a good round of golf, life is good. When you come off that last hole and you messed it up through four or five holes and just played a lousy round of golf, it's just not a very good day. It just isn't.

Everybody has the clarity of telling I haven't seen a player like Lionel Messi, and I am fortunate for training and seeing him every day at the training field. And even sometimes he surprises you with some good performances. There is not comparison with other players I have seen along my life. He is unique.

There's not a day in my life I'm not proud of being gay, but I just wasn't ready for that attention to be placed on it. I remember being on Oprah. Well, not on Oprah. Near Oprah. She started saying, 'Now, Nathan, you got all those girlie moves going down in 'The Birdcage,' where's all that coming from? You're so good at all that girlie stuff!'

A fanatic commits to an ideal to whatever end. A fanatic throws everything aside to pursue their idea. Take something which it would be good to be committed to, like basic human rights. You might campaign for such a thing. You might spend every day of your life pursuing such a thing. But once you become fanatical about it, anything can happen.

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