It's very hard to lose someone who's the closest person to you in your life.

The problem with binge-watching on Netflix is that you lose three days of your life.

If you lose sight of the smaller accomplishments, you end up with an imbalance in your life.

Sometimes there are things worth risking your life for. It was Jesus who said if you want to save your life, you have to lose it.

Of course when you lose your parent, it's like one chapter in your book of life ends. It's difficult but it's a part of life and you have to accept it.

I never want to lose sight of my roots... A lot of artists want the riches and the fame. I want to tell stories you can put into the context of your life.

At the Olympics, you have almost nothing to lose, but at the Olympic trials, you have everything to lose. You have the last four years of your life to lose.

If you take my own life, the longer you stay in a country, you almost lose your former self and become this third-party person who is caught in between two worlds.

Scientology helps you lose your insanities. One of the keys is, they say, 'You're in charge of your life, buster. You're responsible for any condition you're in.' If I look at it that way, it helps.

Never die easy. Why run out of bounds and die easy? Make that linebacker pay. It carries into all facets of your life. It's okay to lose, to die, but don't die without trying, without giving it your best.

From 1997 through 1999, I had gained so much. People don't realize how something like weight gain can make you sad. Losing weight has changed my life. If you can take control of your life, you can lose weight.

People have tried to corner the market on being offended, corner the market on language and corner the market on opinion. Should I lose my job 'cause I offended somebody? No, of course not. Your life should never be affected by public opinion.

Sometimes, as an actor, you're so deeply immersed in a part that you lose control of it. If you're really lucky, a few times in your life it'll take you somewhere you never expected to go. It really blows the top off your understanding of your craft.

If, you know, all your life you're making films or whatever, and somehow along the way you lose meaning in whatever you're doing when you're making the films, they're just not the same as they used to be to you. That doesn't mean your life is over; it just means maybe go try to live a different life.

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