Money cannot help lifting its head.

By lifting each other up we lift ourselves up

Weight lifting is the easiest part of my day.

I enjoy lifting weights, but I hate doing cardio.

I'm against lifting any sanctions on the Russians.

I always loved lifting and training and competing.

You never shrink in stature by lifting someone else up.

Spend your life lifting people up, not putting them down.

I've lost a lot of fat and that's through weight lifting.

I've always been a clean fighter, always lifting weights.

I have never been a big fan of lifting weights or exercising.

Music has a way of getting inside all of us and lifting us up.

There was no better feeling than lifting that Continental Cup.

I've always been active, and enjoy running and lifting weights.

I drink a lot of protein shakes and do a lot of weight lifting.

It meant so much to me lifting the Alex Higgins Trophy at Goffs.

There's nothing better than lifting somebody's spirit with music.

My dad had me start lifting weights at 12, and for me it was fun.

The importance of lifting weights is it kind of makes me who I am.

I like sports, and I enjoy playing basketball and lifting weights.

He stands erect by bending over the fallen. He rises by lifting others.

Heavy lifting doesn't need to be heavy spending if we do the job right.

I enjoy lifting weights more than I enjoy getting on the treadmill to run.

I began to learn the importance of lifting things up and looking underneath.

I do two things every single day - I go running and then I do weight lifting.

Love’s secret is always lifting its head out from under the covers, “Here I am!”

I think it's a pretty good day if I can get through it without lifting a finger.

It wasn’t until Thor that I started lifting weights. It was all pretty new to me.

I have worked hard in the gym lifting heavy weights and doing a lot of exercises.

We do cardio, core strength, lifting - and we train in the mornings, which I hate.

It wasn't until 'Thor' that I started lifting weights. It was all pretty new to me.

I'm not a weight lifter. I'm a seeker. Weight lifting is so insignificant in my life.

A regular workout for me is 30 minutes of intense cardio followed by lifting weights.

Democrats get credit for money coming into the state, but I do a lot of heavy lifting.

I love yoga, pilates, boxing, spinning, and weight lifting and tend to do a mix of them all.

He has to do the heavy lifting and the windows and the wash, and also protect the president.

Besides wrestling, in my younger years, I also competed in Olympic lifting and power lifting.

Parents don't believe that lifting life-chances in one school means reducing them in another.

Another mode of accumulating power arises from lifting a weight and then allowing it to fall.

Music has generally involved a lot of awkward contraptions, a certain amount of heavy lifting.

If you don't take care of the people doing the heavy lifting, they will burn your castle down.

The minimum wage can play a vital role in lifting hard-working families above the poverty line.

Lifting isn't my favorite thing, so I have to keep it fun and do exercises that I really enjoy.

I'm all for lifting the payroll-tax cap, if only to make payroll taxes a little less regressive.

I definitely think about lifting the big trophies, and I dream about winning slams or making it.

Without pressure, I'm not going to wake up every day to go work, or do extra shooting, or lifting.

I ride a bike and use aerobic equipment twice a week, and work out with a trainer, lifting weights.

Sometimes life drops blessings in your lap without your lifting a finger. Serendipity, they call it.

I like lifting weights. And there is a cardio element to lifting if you're doing it the way I do it.

I'm getting a wrinkle above my eyebrow because I just can't stop lifting it, and I love that you know.

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