I am lighter than Paul Pierce.

I'm lighter now in a lot of ways.

The lighter the car, the faster it goes.

Sean Penn has never become the lighter, laughing guy.

I'm staying lighter because I want to go back to 145.

I can be serious, but there's got to be a lighter side.

A person's fears are lighter when the danger is at hand.

I do not pray for a lighter load, but for a stronger back.

There is no lighter burden, nor more agreeable, than a pen.

Eating lighter makes you lighter. No one can wave a magic wand.

I think it's great when dramatic actors do lighter, funny roles.

I like to be blonder, and I know Once likes my hair lighter too.

There are lighter colors of granite and I like to break the rules.

The lighter I am going into a fight, the more likely I am to get ill.

My academic schedule is lighter this year because it's an Olympic year.

There's a moment of awe when you watch the colors dry and become lighter.

No ashes are lighter than those of incense, and few things burn out sooner.

There's something about the West Coast. The air is lighter. The vibe is chill.

Animation scripts tend to be much more descriptive and are lighter on dialogue.

I have fun doing lighter roles, as I don't have to do anything against my emotions.

I would definitely welcome lighter material, but I like to be where the truth lies.

My only mission is to look for fun, the lighter side of life. I spell it fool-osophy.

I always want to go darker, and I'm always being advised to stay on the lighter side.

In my opinion, where comedy sequels tend to go bad is that they get sillier and lighter.

I seldom play in a trio, but acoustic music is likely to be lighter, quicker, and quieter.

I come from a broadcast background where I just prefer a lighter approach to my performance.

To be in touch with death, and the darker side of life, makes the lighter side more enjoyable.

I've always fought as a heavyweight, and I didn't see any reason to fight at a lighter weight.

Buddy Holly and the early rock 'n' roll was no lighter than the way I play. It's very minimal.

Yeah, Hitman I suppose is most of the time a lighter read than Preacher; it was always going to be.

I keep a lighter in my back pocket all the time. I'm not a smoker, I just really like certain songs.

I have played both serious as well as lighter characters, also, and have been satisfied with both types.

I'm a great lighter and lover of candles, particularly fragranced ones, as I'm kind of addicted to scent.

I like the extras in life. Concentrating on serious things doesn't mean you can't also enjoy the lighter ones.

I love making documentaries. But I do like other factual entertainment as well, and I like doing the lighter stuff.

I felt old when I was young and I feel younger now. Maybe that's a trick of my mind, but I'm springier and lighter.

With 'Hang the DJ,' I was concerned that it was more comedic and much lighter than we normally do for 'Black Mirror.'

You've got to break through this idea of being light as a ballerina. The heavier you'll feel, the lighter you'll look.

Wear a foundation one shade lighter than your skin tone - you can always make it darker, but not lighter, once it's on.

Rice and vermicelli is a common combination in Arab and Turkish cooking - it has a lighter texture than rice on its own.

Once I did a film like 'Verna,' which was emotionally draining, I knew I needed to do something lighter and entertaining.

Yes, my mom does keep making references to marriage, like all mothers do, but it's only in a lighter mood... she just jokes.

I'm having more fun working on 'Eerie, Indiana' because I have the leading role, and this is more of a lighter type of show.

Large meadows are lovely for picnics and romping, but they are for the lighter feelings. Meadows do not make me want to write.

In Europe, they travel a lot lighter. I always joke that my Indonesian passengers bring their house and their neighbor's house.

As an actor, I'm constantly striving to find the darkness in the lighter characters and the lightness in the darker characters.

Meringue allows me to cut out flour in a lot of desserts and make them lighter. It's just about my favorite thing to work with.

I have short hair. It doesn't make me more unattractive than a woman or my sisters that have more longer hair and a bit lighter.

It's important to maintain an attractive smile as you age. A lighter, less beige, more white tooth color is key, but no Chiclets.

I feel more comfortable when I'm lighter - I sleep better, I snore less, I have more endurance when I work out, my arms look better.

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