There are no more holes in my management lineup.

A team like Golden State makes you change your lineup a little bit.

If a hitter gets hot, I wouldn't take a hot hitter out of the lineup.

I just want to be in the lineup. If I'm on that lineup card I'm happy.

You don't want to get stuck playing 40 minutes a game with your small lineup.

Every day, you want to come in and contribute when your name is in the lineup.

I would just like to win. Wherever I need to hit in the lineup, whatever works.

The fact I've been in every lineup of Yes has been more by default than design.

Sometimes I make mistakes in my lineup. I don't make any mistakes to harm someone.

When he asked if I would like to try second base, I thought, Hey, get me in the lineup.

In other ways, one way to be in a lineup or stay in a lineup or stay in a spot is to produce.

Typically, in New York, there are so many comics on a single lineup that you can only do eight minutes.

I always want to score as quickly as possible, whether I am in the starting lineup or playing as a substitute.

I love working for Fox News, and I feel like I play for the Yankees every day. I'm with the best lineup in the business.

I'm a guy who just wanted to see his name in the lineup everyday. To me, baseball was a passion to the point of obsession.

I remember being inspired myself when smaller films, whether it's 'Beasts' or 'Winter's Bone,' wound up in the Oscars lineup.

I think that's what you need throughout your lineup. You need guys to help each other and feed off each other and to have that chemistry.

Nothing's worse than telling your family you got a pilot, hearing the pilot got picked up, and then finding out it's not in the fall lineup.

The Wacken festival started more than 20 years ago with just a few hundred people in attendance. Tickets now sell out before the lineup is announced.

That is what I'm going to remember when I retire, the rings I have. Not the fact I played 28 minutes or 33 or my name being called in the starting lineup.

What people don't realize when they talk about our lineup changes is that the original Against Me! broke up in 2001. It never recorded a full-length record.

If you look at the teams that mix and match their starting lineup a great deal, that sort of inconsistency frequently leads to inconsistency in performance.

Having a relentless lineup full of professional hitters works on so many levels. It works in terms of pure baseball reasons: if you get on base, you're going to score runs.

The only time people get pressured into doing reunions to make more money is when the current lineup is underperforming. And by bringing back the other guy, it increases their draw.

When I was in the second unit, it just took me time to find my rhythm just playing with a lot of new guys. But once I got in the starting lineup, it kind of just opened up a little bit.

My career has been so different than most guys. I've kind of bounced around and always, one way or another, ended up in the starting lineup. So I would say my career has been very unique.

There's different kinds of laughs. It's like a baseball lineup: this guy's your power hitter, this guy gets on base, this guy works out walks. If everybody does their job, we're gonna win.

It's going to come down to executing, trying to keep guys off balance and disrupting timing. That's something you can do regardless of how many times you face a lineup or face certain hitters.

I've always been loud and obnoxious and sneaking my way into things, and so I feel like I've snuck my way onto the Lollapalooza lineup, and I'm going to sneak my way into whatever else I get to do.

Onstage I do all the stuff I'd never do in real life, like lashing out at people who make me mad or freaking out in a long bank lineup. Performing allows me to fulfill all the sicko fantasies I've ever had.

The original lineup, we got on stage, we had a great chemistry, it was awesome, and then when we left the stage, we never talked to each other. There's a lot of bands that way. Who cares? What's wrong with it?

You really want to try to continue to pile up outs as often as you possibly can. Whether they get a hit or not really doesn't affect the way you continue to approach that lineup, especially with a five-run lead.

People cried nepotism every time I was on the field. But I played for a lot of coaches before I played for my father, and I started for everybody. He wasn't the first person who all the sudden put me in the starting lineup.

I'm going to have to work it, compete for that starting spot, compete for that job. I'm willing to come in and work, willing to compete and go at people in practice so I can have that ability to start in the starting lineup.

I grew up in the inner city of Chicago, and then I moved to Robbins, and it kind of raised me. When I was in college, I actually had them change the starting lineup to say 'from Robbins, Illinois' instead of 'Chicago, Illinois.'

When I was with the Giants, I played for Dusty Baker, and I love Dusty to death. I think he's a great manager and great person, but he platooned me. His reasoning was to get everybody in the lineup. It wasn't that I couldn't play every day.

Kook means the clueless beginner who paddles his surf board out to the other surfers in the lineup and starts chattering away like it's a cocktail party, completely ignores all the finely-tuned protocols of surf that have developed over decades.

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It's just not thinking about starting all the time. You'll think, 'Just because I'm having good games, I need to be in the starting lineup.' Your teammates and coaches respect you even more if you're having good games and you're not worrying about it.

I lived in Beverly Hills for years. I always had a line, 'I hate the rich.' From what I witnessed after living there for 15 years, these people just don't raise their kids. I used to see the lineup of cars in front of the schools and it was all the nannies.

I hate this idea that I've somehow become detached. It's like I can't win. I'd been hearing all these years that I was too hands-on: that I was the guy writing out the lineup card. Now, I'm not present enough. How is it possible to be a detached micromanager?

We have a lot of rookies in the lineup. More than anybody, I would say. Its going to be something new for them. They have to understand that it's totally different hockey in the playoffs. Starting with the fans, the intensity of the game, every mistake counts.

The 8 P.M. hour in the cable news world is currently driven by the indomitable Bill O'Reilly, Nancy Grace, and Keith Olbermann. Shedding my own journalistic skin to try to inhabit the kind of persona that might coexist in that lineup is just impossible for me.

Players like me, we did something of a thankless job. You don't show a hard tackle or stripping someone of possession in slow motion on the big screen. But if you add it all up, I was always the one that the coaches wrote down automatically on the lineup card.

My favorite lineup is just a trio, because then every night you can improvise and change the repertoire. Keyboards and brass can be great, but it puts you in a different ballgame because you're not quite as free. You have to stick to the arrangement of the song.

One of my first festivals was Oxygen 2006. It had this amazing lineup with the Arctic Monkeys on their first or second album, the Strokes, Kings of Leon, the Magic Numbers and then the Who and James Brown. I waited in the pit for a good eight hours to see James Brown.

You figure when you match up against other clubs and you go through the lineup one through nine, you get to the nine hole, if you can put together an at-bat or you can see some different pitches that helps give you an advantage competitively, it can make your lineup stronger.

A huge number of real 'Chase' fans have taken me to their hearts and people are recognizing me out and about and are saying how pleased they are with me making a refreshing change to the lineup - not that they don't like the other guys but people like that we're all different.

Miles Davis would have this lineup of all these amazing musicians and one day would just say, 'We're done.' After tons of great records and tickets sold, he said, 'Now I'm going to grow my hair out and play my horn through a wah-wah pedal.' Rather than play it safe, he went on.

Early in my career when I was with Montreal, we had a lot of good outfielders like Otis Nixon, myself, Marquis Grissom and Larry Walker. We all did the platooning thing, although each one of us could have played every day. We got everybody in the lineup, and everybody got to play.

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