Movies are too literal.

I don't ever get too literal.

Film in many ways is very literal.

It's not in my nature to be too literal.

I do not consider myself a literal genius.

Heaven is not as narrowly literal-minded as hell.

All maps are distorted, they are not literal fact.

The stage is suspension of disbelief. Film is a literal medium.

Most men I know rely on women to do all the literal dirty work.

I've always had a more spatial mind, mathematical, than literal.

I create fictional narratives, but it's based on literal people.

Language operates between literal and metaphorical signification.

People take things too literal in the Bible and it's totally wrong.

All of my songs are about me and my experiences. They're very literal.

When it comes to literal nourishment, the food we eat, life begets life.

Watch the History Channel if you want it literal and historically perfect.

Transportation made sublimation literal. It conveyed evil to another world.

I do believe that there are places where the mythological and the literal touch.

Our songs aren't metaphorical, normally: they're literal in their interpretation.

Drama is not a literal portrayal of events. It's a depiction, it's impressionistic.

Mapping, both literal and metaphorical, has always been about our quest for knowing.

I enjoy every climb - maybe it's because it's a literal dance between life and death.

Star Trek' is not just about literal exploration, but also the exploration of ourselves.

Sci fi allowed us to be more true to the western than maybe even doing a literal western.

The primary and literal meaning of the Bible, then, is its centripetal or poetic meaning.

Enthusiasm is the energy and force that builds literal momentum of the human soul and mind.

Balanchine was just able to strike the balance between literal narrative and abstract dance.

I believe in the literal rising of the body of Christ. It's the cornerstone of my Christian faith.

Not only is the self entwined in society; it owes society its existence in the most literal sense.

You've got to get as literal as you can get to convince people sometimes that you can do something.

When I started the band, the name 'Silver Jews' had no literal meaning - it was just an abstraction.

In order to deliver the emotional truth in the story, you have to include some of the literal truth.

I'm more androgynous, because men are supposed to be more spatial, women more literal - I'm a tomboy.

I might have been born into a very literal sense of chaos, but in fact that state is true of all of us.

I used to be very figurative and also just kind of scared to talk about the way I felt in a literal way.

It is not the literal past that rules us, save, possibly, in a biological sense. It is images of the past.

When a middle-aged man says in a moment of weariness that he is half dead, he is telling the literal truth.

If I see a fashion show with literal influences, it doesn't make me think any more. It doesn't make me dream.

This was nostalgia in the literal Greek sense: the pain of not being able to return to one's home and family.

Politics is a literal game. Every word must represent a strict view - or be so abstract as to be meaningless.

I did have a literal shed of fan mail once. It was literally filled with, like, 25 of those giant mail cartons.

I do not have deep theological understanding or opinion, but I do not read the Bible as the literal word of God.

In my daily life, I tend to be very literal and unsuperstitious. But music gives me an outlet to be very emotional.

I do think my lyrics have gotten... not necessarily more poetic, but more open to interpretation; they're less literal.

I had very literal parents and I wanted to survive with metaphor and art, and there was a real sense of shame around it.

If you have distance from the events, then your story can work as an analogy or parable rather than its literal narrative.

Young writers reasonably say, 'I don't know what to write about,' so writing about yourself is a very literal way to begin.

Greg Berlanti is in charge of a lot of superhero shows on television. He is a literal superhero. He is absolutely brilliant.

The world appears rectilinear, but is in fact curvilinear - a literal truth in physics, and a metaphorical one in metaphysics.

I didn't want to make a literal film about Detroit, because it felt like what they were experiencing was more universal than that.

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