I lost my head for a little while.

I just sort of lost my head for a little while.

Sometimes players just take a little while to develop.

For a little while, maybe I did fall for my own mythology.

I was born a girl; it just took me a little while to become one fully.

I'm pretty fair-skinned, so I need to get in the sun for a little while.

Well, I wanted to play football and I chased football for a little while.

As an artist, as a person, I don't want to be here for just a little while.

I lived for a little while in a place where the kitchen was a cupboard on the landing.

Life would be indeed easier if the experimentalists would only pause for a little while!

Life turned out much better than I thought. I knew after a little while that I could act.

For a little while, my mom was a school teacher. And I went to the school that she taught.

As a child, I got bored with my surroundings, so I would be another person for a little while.

If you fight back and get hit, it hurts a little while; if you don't fight back it hurts forever.

Having life taken away from you for a little while forces you to be more open-minded and to go live.

I've loved the escapism of being another person, slipping into another character for a little while.

You can hype a questionable product for a little while, but you'll never build an enduring business.

It took a little while to get used to falling asleep without laying down on a bed or having a pillow.

It usually takes two people a little while to learn where the funny buttons are and testy buttons are.

I've been blessed for 17 years to have a job where I make people forget their problems for a little while.

I was in culinary school for a little while, but it was just too hard to cut weight and cook at the same time.

It's unimaginable to me that I wouldn't write, but it's very imaginable that I won't write for a little while.

I'd like to give some attention to my family, hang out with them for a little while. They definitely deserve it.

I'm the type of guy, I make a lot of different beats, but sometimes I might stick to a sound for a little while.

Woe, woe, woe... in a little while we shall all be dead. Therefore let us behave as though we were dead already.

You kinda don't know what's going to make a good song. You've got to shoot around in the dark for a little while.

It took me a little while to get sorrow under the belt enough to understand country music's lyrics and strengths.

When I came into office, I could have kicked the can down the road for a little while, or I could do the right thing.

I want to do interesting work, I don't want to get boxed. A box is fruitful for a little while and then you get replaced.

It took me a little while to remember how to use a fork. You know, we don't use forks in the penitentiary. You get a spoon.

You can struggle for a little while. It's going to happen. If a guy hits .200 for a while, it doesn't mean he's a .200 hitter.

Before really high-pressured gigs I tend to freeze and crawl into bed. Under the covers you just feel safe for a little while.

Burlesque dancing didn't solve all my post-divorce problems, but what it did do was force me to court myself for a little while.

I'm not used to not having enough time to live with the songs. Usually, if I write something, I live with it for a little while.

I'm a great dog fanatic. My own dog died a little while ago and I take it very personally when things die - it's a major offence.

For a little while there, I was thinking, 'I don't want to be in anything on British TV'. I didn't watch any of it because it was rubbish.

I did model for a little while part-time, but I wasn't a bloody model, and I am definitely not that horrible thing 'model-turned-actress.'

Something can be said for quitting for a little while. You can get completely drained as a performer and creator. You have to fill back up.

In order to do the right thing and to provide the right long-term view for the city, it might mean you're only in politics for a little while.

I don't like to talk much with people who always agree with me. It is amusing to coquette with an echo for a little while, but one soon tires of it.

I grew up in Germany for a little while, and all my German friends said that Seattle, weather and energy-wise, is a lot like West Germany. It's true.

Man appears for a little while to laugh and weep, to work and play, and then to go to make room for those who shall follow him in the never-ending cycle.

I miss playing with Miles. I did play with him a little while before he left the planet, but even at that time I longed to maybe do some things together.

Thank God that the people that run this world are not smart enough to keep running it forever. You know, everybody gets a handle on it for a little while.

It only worked for a little while; the morning after I agreed to go with Universal, an article came out in the Hollywood trade papers, and the secret was out.

When I joined Formula One, I knew that what I found is that the cars are so much faster, and it took me a little while to understand where to always put the car.

I've been playing golf for a little while and I can't get over the 85 hump. It doesn't matter how good or bad I shoot on one side, I'm going to end up around 85.

I think because I was Miss World, and I modeled for a little while, I have - I just like heels, actually. I think that's the truth. I'm trying to find an excuse.

I'm surprised how easily Don Imus came back. He was off the air for a little while after the 'nappy-headed' comment in 2007, and then he's back as strong as ever.

I was a radioman first class in the Navy. I put in seven years. I was around a lot of admirals; I served on destroyers, cruisers, and a flat top for a little while.

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