There come a time, when good man must wear mask.

The Lone Ranger of vampires. Did that make me Tonto?

Once I got the Lone Ranger role, I didn't want any other.

The first actor I ever saw was The Lone Ranger. I thought, That's what I want to do.

What's the difference between the Lone Ranger and God? There really is a Lone Ranger.

High culture is the ability to hear the William Tell Overture and not think of the Lone Ranger.

An intellectual snob is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture and not think of The Lone Ranger.

I'm kind of like the Lone Ranger or Batman. I can just go to my mansion and jump out in my uniform and sing on weekends.

My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger.

The old image of Tonto and the Lone Ranger was one that we, as Indian people, didn't care much for; it was kind of a second-class citizen.

My father is black and my mother is white. Therefore, I could answer to either, which kind of makes me a racial Lone Ranger, caught between two communities.

My history was the Western. I grew up with the Lone Ranger, the Cisco Kid and Bonanza. I felt as much a child of the West as someone born in Montana or Wyoming.

America before the 1960s was a pretty innocent place. We were the Lone Ranger galloping off to the rescue of the needy and the oppressed of the world, and we could get things done.

I started radio in 1950 on the Lone Ranger radio program, a dramatic show that emanated from Detroit when I was 18 years old and just beginning college. I did that for a couple of years.

When I was cast for 'Walking Dead,' I was still doing 'Lone Ranger,' so I have my 'Lone Ranger' look with the handlebar mustache. I think everybody appreciates the professional mustache.

When I played Tonto in 'The Lone Ranger' and was playing the older Tonto, I would just leave the makeup on and go to sleep because it was a four or five hour job; it was, from the waist up, all over me.

I grew up watching 'The Lone Ranger.' I would get up every Saturday morning, earlier than all the other kids, to watch a black and white western with Clayton Moore that hadn't filmed a new episode since 1957.

Having watched 'The Lone Ranger,' I asked my dad, 'You think we can be on TV like that guy?' He said, 'Probably not. You have to be 6 feet and blond to work in TV and movies.' I said, 'But what about that guy? Jay Silverheels?'

The only vocal training I had was playing with a tape recorder as a kid, and you know, doing the beginning of the 'Lone Ranger' show, with a hearty hi-o silver, and just having fun, never really thinking I would be an announcer.

The Lone Ranger is going to be one of those iconic characters that never rides off into the sunset. We need heroes like him - an underdog who fights the good fight, doesn't kill, and has some serious mojo when the chips are down.

I loved cowboy films and TV series, and I learned bits of English from them. My favorite was 'Laramie', with Robert Fuller and John Smith. I used to watch 'The Lone Ranger', which had been famous in Japan as well. I idolized these cowboys.

You eventually come to the conclusion that there's only so much you can do with these established characters, and you start wondering who among us will be the one to create the next 'Superman' or 'Batman' or 'James Bond' or next 'Lone Ranger.'

I am a fighter. I believe in that which is right, and the truth is, I have been the Lone Ranger for the past thirty years and I will not give up the fight. I love my public and I'll fight for you. I'll continue to make personal appearances for my thousands of fans.

People spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make movies that don't do anything. I mean, no one's talking about 'Pacific Rim' today. No one's talking about 'The Lone Ranger,' and those were $100 million movies that didn't have nearly the impact that 'Sharknado' did.

When I was a child I liked watching shows about bounty hunters and Canadian Mounties. I liked the 'Lone Ranger,' I liked shows where the guy saved the girl from the villain. I just liked those kinds of things and I wanted to be a guy like that, you know, that would save the damsel in distress.

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