I've got a long-term plan.

I never had a long-term plan.

America needs a long-term vision.

I think long-term, not short-term.

I do not want to be a long-term CEO.

I don't make long-term plans, for sure.

Life is too short for long-term grudges.

We've never been good at long-term plans.

Long-term I would love to go to law school.

I will strive to achieve my long-term dream.

You need a long-term coach to be able to win.

Long-term boredom can't lead to anything good.

The fight for democracy is a long-term battle.

I have a long-term interest in the humanities.

I don't think anyone is thinking long-term now.

I seem to be a long-term relationship kinda guy.

We're getting hurt, but I'm a long-term investor.

Well, there's always risk in long-term investment.

My long-term ambition is to be an agent of change.

It's all about long-term, sustaining relationships.

Before 'Holby,' I'd always avoided long-term roles.

We all have restlessness in long-term relationships.

We don't mature momentarily, but over the long-term.

Ethanol is a long-term solution that will take time.

It is never too early to encourage long-term savings.

I believe it's less risky long-term to embrace change.

Thomas Tuchel is a coach who can work in the long-term.

I'm not a long-term member of the 'Breaking Bad' family.

Social Security faces a long-term actuarial deficit, yes.

What you have in legacy countries is long-term insolvency.

My long-term goal is to become the world number one player.

Long-term sustaining growth is a minimum expectation for us.

I work to plan long-term and try to earn results short-term.

My own view is that every company requires a long-term view.

I'd like to see myself as captain, but it's a long-term goal.

I mainly try to foster long-term collaborative relationships.

I think it's really important to have a long-term perspective.

It's not long-term debt if the money is immediately paid back.

We do not mind establishing a long-term truce between us and you.

Youthful beauty is a poor indicator of long-term appeal in a man.

With any long-term relationship, you have good days and bad days.

The American people deserve long-term, forward-thinking policies.

I took a decision that I wanted to be a long-term player in Congo.

The reality of a long-term career is that there are ups and downs.

I just think the best way for me to be greedy is long-term greedy.

Propaganda invariably serves the long-term interests of some elite.

Iran poses the most serious long-term threat to regional stability.

It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value.

Globalization requires taking a broad contextual and long-term view.

I never thought television would or could be a long-term commitment.

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