I think the number one stat that is a direct correlation on winning and losing is turnovers.

Losing hope is not so bad. There's something worse: losing hope and hiding it from yourself.

Either you can save the economy, or you can save the One Percent from losing a single penny.

The division of labor among nations is that some specialize in winning and others in losing.

There's nothing like losing yourself in someone else's troubles to make you forget your own.

Tremendous amounts of talent are lost to our society just because that talent wears a skirt.

I was losing sight of the wolf ahead of me; the one inside me seemed closer all of a sudden.

In their arrogance, ABC wanted a number-one show. They wouldnt accept losing that time slot.

I think people are rapidly losing confidence in the political class, and I don't blame them.

It takes getting everything you ever wanted and then losing it, to know what true freedom is.

I'll go with the guy with one house. The guy with one house is scared about losing his house.

[Donald] Trump is not going to win... He's losing to Hillary [Clinton] in the latest polling.

I think the hardest thing is losing weight. That's the hardest thing more than anything else.

I’m losing my taste for everything, including even my taste for finding everything tasteless.

To Dare is to risk losing your foothold for a moment, Not to Dare is to risk losing yourself.

Losing is like my ex-wife... it's a b****, and it takes a bigger man than me to live with it.

Woman can best refind herself by losing herself in some kind of creative activity of her own.

Perhaps to lose a sense of where you are implies the danger of losing a sense of who you are.

Finding is losing something else. I think about, perhaps even mourn, what I lost to find this

I don't like losing but I've mellowed. I maybe have a short fuse but it goes away quicker now.

Yes, a business should thrive, but it shouldn't thrive at the expense of everyone else losing.

You borrow from the greats, and you make your own path without losing the core of who you are.

One of the symptoms of a losing streak is a turnover of top executives. It's a revolving door.

The blues is losing someone you love and not having enough money to immerse yourself in drink.

Losing an election is very difficult. I've lost an election myself, and it was very difficult.

Tragedy isn't getting something, or failing to get it; it's losing something you already have.

If you get a wrinkle, I don't feel that's indicative of your losing ground. That's ridiculous.

The ability to change one's views without losing one's seat is the mark of a great politician.

You're always going to survive the pain of loss. I can live with that confidence inside of me.

When you have this desire to win, to win, to win, I would not feel comfortable losing a title.

You could be winning and feel like you're losing because the scorecard you're using is unfair.

Falling out of love is like losing weight. It's a lot easier putting it on than taking it off.

Lists today are a way of trying to get through the day, because we are losing a sense of time.

I start to think that I'm losing the love I have without having yet won the love I hope to win.

I've been in that situation many times before - where I'm losing and I have to knock a guy out.

Life is a process of losing our illusions, until we finally lose the illusion that we're alive.

In its haste to bolster nationalism, in its obsession with security, Europe is losing its soul.

I suddenly said, 'I'm sick of losing'. After that, I trained hard and I never lost there again.

The joy of losing consists in this: Where there are no expectations, there is no disappointment.

The authentic experience, where is that? Living the moment. That is something that we're losing.

We seemed to be drifting as a society - losing touch with the basic concepts of right and wrong.

If I missed a game, that meant I was losing the battle. I'm not going to let leukemia affect me.

There are no shortcut to losing weight. Just hard work and dedication, hard work and dedication.

Winning and losing isn't everything; sometimes, the journey is just as important as the outcome.

I think there were times when I was so afraid of losing you that I forgot I even had you at all.

Imagine losing fingernails, Harry! That really puts our sufferings into perspective, doesn't it?

Nothing teems But hateful docks, rough thistles, kecksies, burs, Losing both beauty and utility.

I'm afraind of losing my sense of trying to always be better. I love competition against myself.

Always have the situation under control, even if losing. Never betray an inward sense of defeat.

Losing an arm is kinda lame at one point, but at the same time, so much good has come out of it.

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