I love Chelsea still. I'm not frustrated; it was a great experience.

'Vikings' has been a great experience. You get so many great friends. And I love Ireland and the people and crew. It's a beautiful place.

I want my kids to experience passion. I want them to see that I have things I feel passionate about because it is such a great feeling to really love something.

TV is great, and I love it, but to watch somebody's hand-crafted drawings on the big screen is an experience that we've forgotten as an audience, how much fun 2D can be.

Our goal has been to stay true to what people most love about the original Pirates! while upgrading, enhancing, and in some cases, re-inventing the game to make it a great experience for today's gamers.

I grew up in a little Methodist church that was very rural, very community support-oriented, made up of great people who talked about love and grace and the spiritual experience, but only in rhetorical terms.

Sometimes you read a script, and you just think, 'Wow, I would love to go and tell that story, and I don't even care what happens to the film, I would just love that experience.' And often, that mentality makes a great film.

I love Australia; it was a really, really nice experience for me. It's such a beautiful place. The people are beautiful - like, really beautiful - and they are beautiful in terms of their personalities. It's a great place to be. It's like you are in a little bit of a dream world.

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