Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about ...

Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.

Data is a tool for enhancing intuition.

Even the diss tracks was enhancing 'Panda.'

All makeovers should be about enhancing who you are.

Some think there is something wrong about enhancing people.

I'm on performance enhancing drugs, so I may cause drowsiness.

In some ways, technology keeps on enhancing us, and we embrace it.

Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.

Acting is about enhancing your life, not representing something that's missing.

Enhancing fabric production will also lead to strengthening the power loom sector.

Modesty: the gentle art of enhancing your charm by pretending not to be aware of it.

Enhancing revenues will help us improve education and solve our infrastructure problems.

Regional exchange can be a source of growth and development, and of enhancing good governance.

We need to stop spending money on death, the war in Iraq and on enhancing the lives of the people in our own country.

When male allies make space for women, they're not diminishing their own power. Rather, they're enhancing everyone's.

If you go back to the Greeks and Romans, they talk about all three - wine, food, and art - as a way of enhancing life.

Starbucks is committed to evolving and enhancing our customer experience with innovative and wholesome food offerings.

Just as we are enhancing the customer side of our marketplace, we are also looking for ways to increase our contributor expense.

A walk in nature is a perfect backdrop to combine exercise, prayer, and meditation while enhancing the benefit of these activities.

If athletes are found to have taken performance enhancing drugs, then they should be banned for two years, even if they are British.

As always, work with your figure; draping, pleats, and proportion can work miracles when it comes to hiding flaws and enhancing assets.

Enhancing a woman's silhouette and enhancing a woman's beauty - both contribute to enhancing her confidence, so they're synonymous, really.

Colleges would compete by adding professors, enhancing programmes or building nicer facilities. So they competed by making institutions better.

Our deep collaboration with ABC News further strengthens Yahoo! as the No. 1 online news source, greatly enhancing our already robust news content.

I've made storylines through dance to complement the music. It's all about enhancing the singing and acting. It's been an amazing learning curve for me.

Barley and mushroom is a soothing combination. It's mainly a textural thing, with the barley both gently breaking and enhancing the mushroomy gloopiness.

Contraceptives have a proven track record of enhancing the health of women and children, preventing unintended pregnancy, and reducing the need for abortion.

It's about enhancing your body and accentuating your good areas. Shapewear isn't the ugly, embarrassing granny undies they used to be - they really are sexy.

As we progress as a species, we will unlock new means for enhancing our lives at every turn - and our conceptions of wealth and poverty will evolve in tandem.

Speaking as a builder, if you start something, you must have a vision of the thing which arises from your instinct about preserving and enhancing what is there.

Boone Pickens should be commended for his leadership on American energy security, and for bringing Ted Turner along on some sensible approaches to enhancing it.

When I looked at the addictive qualities of video games and how they captivate people's attention, I decided to try the same technology for enhancing well-being.

When I go out to the supermarket or when I'm feeling lazy, I just put a little bright lipstick or gloss, and it brightens the skin. It's about enhancing what I have.

Trade plays an important role in empowering our nation, growing its economy, creating domestic jobs, and enhancing American competitiveness in the global chain of commerce.

Gender-neutral clothing is often, for lack of a better term, bags on bags. A baggy shirt with baggy pants, that sort of erases any individuality, as opposed to enhancing it.

Cocoa boosts brain serotonin. Almost every single antidepressant aims at either enhancing serotonin or keeping it in the brain longer. Chocolate or cocoa does that very well.

These are important markers in our engagement with South East Asia, in enhancing our strategic ties with ASEAN across 3 Cs. These 3 Cs are commerce, connectivity, and culture.

Enhancing our NORAD relationship will remind the Americans that both our economic and security interests are integrated in such a way that you could not possibly view them as apart.

Congress created Fannie Mae in 1938 and Freddie Mac in 1970. For many years, these institutions prudently pursued their core mission of enhancing the availability of credit for housing.

Nothing is more important for young people than enhancing their life chances, liberating their potential and encouraging their contribution to a globally competitive and modern economy.

Saddam's goal is to achieve the lifting of U.N. sanctions while retaining and enhancing Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. We cannot, we must not and we will not let him succeed.

If one person from their fraternity is a little above average, they are celebrated as if they are the most gifted individuals. And who is enhancing their cause? It's a section of the media.

I believe good corporate governance is critical in enhancing competitiveness and creating industry - leading profitable growth and superior returns for every stakeholder of the institution.

Indian IT corporations have made work in the U.S. much more efficient by enhancing their productivity and quality of work. We have helped to add sufficient value to the corporations in the U.S.

Sinn Fein is committed to promoting and enhancing reconciliation, and in recent years, I and other members of my party have taken a number of significant initiatives aimed to advance this process.

The world awaits Beijing's hosting of the 2008 Olympics, an occasion which will bring into the global spotlight the dramatic advances China is making in enhancing the quality of life for its people.

When Congress passed the Help America Vote Act in 2002, I was thrilled to learn that the federal government would offer resources to all states to assist them in enhancing the voting process in America.

Our goal has been to stay true to what people most love about the original Pirates! while upgrading, enhancing, and in some cases, re-inventing the game to make it a great experience for today's gamers.

The difference between me and other people in my generation is instead of saying the Internet's killing the record business, I say, 'Who cares about the record business, the Internet is enhancing music.'

Instead of constantly enhancing the norm - forever upping the ante of the 'normal' with new technologies - we should work on enhancing the concept of normal by broadening appreciation of anatomical variation.

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