We are wiser than we know.

Hatred is love frustrated.

The American people are frustrated.

Be fascinated instead of frustrated.

I guess I'm just a frustrated cowboy.

I get frustrated but never depressed.

Communists are frustrated capitalists.

I'm really just a frustrated violinist.

I confess to being a frustrated musician.

It gets on top of me and I get frustrated.

I have a bit of a frustrated dancer in me.

I tend to comfort eat when I am frustrated.

All presidents get frustrated with Congress.

A tap dancer is really a frustrated drummer.

Every comic is really a frustrated rock star.

I get really frustrated if people don't smile.

If you're not frustrated, you're not producing.

Name me one golfer that doesn't get frustrated.

Sometimes I play guitar like a frustrated drummer.

Nine out of ten delinquents are frustrated actors.

I'm not hurt. I'm pissed off and sexually frustrated.

As a parent, I can get so frustrated. Any parent can!

I think we were all frustrated with our daily routine.

I learned that creativity is all about being frustrated.

I'm optimistic yet disillusioned, hopeful yet frustrated.

Jason felt humiliated and frustrated. Rejected by a rock.

A lot of fighters get frustrated when they're not active.

Frustrated love has been the incentive for many great works.

I'm not like one of those actors who's a frustrated director.

The basic formula of all sin is: frustrated or neglected love.

I love narrative and sometimes I feel frustrated with stand-up.

I never feel frustrated. I really feel fulfilled and very lucky.

I'm becoming a frustrated director, I think, in an actor's body.

I'm one of those guys who, when I'm frustrated, do not get vocal.

I am frustrated at misconceptions of me, and being cast in a role.

A lot of young men are frustrated and looking for someone to blame.

You may be frustrated with religion, but don't take that out on God.

I am frustrated and outraged by the slow nature of change at the VA.

I don't really get too frustrated. I know I'm going to get the ball.

I love Chelsea still. I'm not frustrated; it was a great experience.

I have always had a hidden wish, a frustrated desire, to run a hotel.

There's no point in getting frustrated at yourself. Just be truthful.

The Israeli public is frustrated with the way it is portrayed abroad.

The public is mad, frustrated, but what the public wants is progress.

Citizens United opened a door that's frustrated anyone who's looking.

I am as frustrated with society as a pyromaniac in a petrified forest.

If I feel frustrated in a situation, I take a deep breath and walk away.

If I feel frustrated in a situation, I take a deep breath and walk away.

I'm a fan myself and I'm frustrated just as much as them when we get beat.

You get angry and frustrated wondering, 'Are there enough parts for women?'

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