I love the fact that TV enables me to help other women.

White women love me 'cause of my edge. And I love white women.

I have a feisty side to me and I love playing the strong women.

I think women realise that I love women, and very often women seem to love me.

It would be silly for me to say I'll only ever love women. That would be crazy.

I love women. I grab every inspiration I can from women and for me it's a bit of fun.

When are four women ever happy for another woman getting something they'd love to have? Tell me that.

The fickleness of the women I love is only equalled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me.

I just like doing comedies, and think that my timing and love for the genre set me apart from other young women who look like me.

I would love to be in a Nicholas Sparks movie. And Scarlett Johansson inspired me. I think it's cool when women are able to kick butt.

I love being an advocate for women as we get older so that we can feel comfortable with ourselves. It's all about being healthy for me now.

I love empowering women. I think it's crazy: if you ever try to belittle women, you're playing yourself - I ride with whoever rides with me.

If I want to dislike women, I should be allowed to. As it happens, I love them. Women to me are privately worshipped and publicly disdained.

Women like me. Women love me. But not so my wife need worry. Not in a 'he's so hot' type of way. More in a 'come round for a cup of tea' way.

I always laugh when people call me a misogynist. I... love women! Everything I do is to impress women. And if I hated women, why would half my fans be women?

I always get told by women that they would love a daughter-in-law like me. That's big, because not too many people seem to want their son to marry an actress!

They're right to think that about me, because I'm the person most likely to sleep with my female fans, I genuinely love other women. And I think they know that.

I love smart commercial fiction. Susan Isaacs, for example and the readers who interest me are, in the preponderance, women. I am one of them; I like the books they like.

A part of me isn't like those women who love being pregnant. I love my baby, and I miss that feeling of being attached to him when he's kicking, but I was so ready to not be pregnant.

I just love bossy women. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means somebody's passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn't mind leading.

I want to do a little bit of everything. I love sci-fi. I think it's more the characters that draw me towards things. I like strong women. I'm very interested in futuristic stuff, anything.

My husband does love women. He has four daughters, a sister, a mother he is very close to, and loves to hang out with my friends and me. Never is he inappropriate in any way, shape, or form.

I love a psychological thriller, particularly ones that are written by women. I've just finished 'Gone Girl' by Gillian Flynn, which was so creepy and never failed to surprise me, particularly the end.

I would love to do espionage like 'The Thomas Crown Affair,' that kind of thing. And I've always had a fascination with madams. It's interesting to me what that institution is like, how those women are.

When I think about my own relationships to the women that I really loved, it feels like that love, even after we've broken up and we're no longer speaking, that love never goes away. No one told me that.

I have had women in their 70s coming up to me saying, 'I can't get enough of '12 Monkeys' - I love it. I can't wait for the next episode.' That's not the demographic that you expect to be watching sci-fi shows.

I love to simplify and edit the contents of just about anything, but women's closets hold particular appeal to me. I edit mine about four times a year and hold a yearly 'clothing swap' to encourage my girlfriends to do the same.

I think it's wonderful when people who have lost someone find love again, but I'm not personally looking, and I haven't been on a date in 27 years. In fact, it's been so long, I've had a couple of lovely women ask me out because they figured that's the case.

People feel like they know you because they've read about you, and people who don't know me seem to have warm feelings about me. I seem to be popular with women. I go into the loo in restaurants, and they all say, 'Oh, I love you.' It's odd, but it's really nice, too.

I think the biggest learned behavior that I would love to get rid of is that little voice that tells you, 'That's stupid. You shouldn't say that.' And then five seconds later, you hear somebody saying the same thing, and you think, 'Seriously, what is wrong with me?' I think, in particular, a lot of women do it. And that's a problem.

The writers who inspire me most are all women: Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie, Margaret Mitchell and Emily and Charlotte Bronte. As for contemporary novels, one of my favourites is 'Everyone Brave is Forgiven' by Chris Cleave. It's the sort of book to read if you've fallen out of love with reading - it reminds you just how brilliant novels can be.

I like how people will post pictures of me with other women that I adore, hugging on red carpets, and say, 'See?' Are we so uncomfortable with love between two people of the same gender that we immediately label it as sexual? But I've never been bothered by the lesbian rumor. There's nothing offensive about it, so there's no reason to be offended.

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