Never trust a narrator whose opening gambit is to insist he's not mad.

Care, mad to see a man sae happy, E'en drouned himsel amang the nappy.

I'm not so sure he's mad, Father. Just a little devious in his sanity.

I dinna trust him," said Slightly Mad Angus. "He reads books an' such.

I've gotta keep life and computers separate, or else I'm gonna go mad.

I secretly wish I had experienced advertising in the 'Mad Men' period.

It is possible to be truly mad and to still exist upon scraps of life.

That's your life. Get used to it. Don't get mad at me- you married him.

It's not unusual for kids in their twenties to be mad at their parents.

Insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting different results.

What is life if a man cannot count on his friends when he has gone mad?

To be a woman is a great adventure; To drive men mad is a heroic thing.

O Lord, Sir - when a heroine goes mad she always goes into white satin.

If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't get so mad at the things you do.

Whom the gods do not intend to destroy, they first make mad with poetry.

I am mad about hats. I collect them as souvenirs from my globe trotting.

We celebrate the Bill Gateses of the world. We're not mad at Bill Gates.

If we choose to behave differently, we are considered 'Mad' or 'immature

All that remains is the mad desire for present identity through a woman.

I wish I was beautiful or at least wise, but I’m simply mad and violent.

You're mad 'cause my style you're admiring. Don't be mad, UPS is hiring.

It was roses, roses, all the way, With myrtle mixed in my path like mad.

Children, when they are little, they make parents fools; when great, mad.

A mad person sees what isn't there; A visionary sees what isn't there yet

As much as I try, when I open my mouth, Lena comes out, And I get so mad.

At the moment I was mad enough to chew up nails and spit out paper clips.

I'm Keith," he said, "and you're . . . clearly mad, but what's your name?

It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours.

Estate agents: like them or loathe them, you'd be mad not to loathe them.

This is a mad planet," David Bowie said in 1971. "It's doomed to madness.

Every time I get mad, I grab my hammer and make a bookshelf or something.

I have loved, cried, been mad with happiness. I have won and I have lost.

These are mad times, but there have been a lot of mad times in the world.

If I had a normal life Id quite cheerfully go mad and fall over right now

Make happiness a habit. Be so happy you drive the devil stark-raving mad.

What is it about meter and cadence and rhythm that makes their makers mad?

A bit of the vagueness of music stops you going completely mad, I imagine.

It's exciting to hear lions roaring deeply at 11 P. M. at night. It's mad.

To communicate with each other, we got to get mad at each other sometimes.

Drive them [Jews] like mad dogs from our land... let not one of them live.

When a mad man walks naked, it is his kinsmen who feel shame, not himself.

If I die... I'd be so mad at myself that I didn't explore that side of me.

Those who the gods would make rich and famous on TV, they first drive mad.

Sometimes silence resolves a conversation confused by Mad Misconstruction.

Unilateralism is not internationalism, It is nationalist egotism gone mad.

I like to smile when its natural. I'm not mad or anything. That's my style.

Ceausescu was mad, and he made half of Romania mad. I'm mad because of him.

You can tell the size of a man by the size of the thing that makes him mad.

I'd rather have ten people who are mad for it than ten thousand who aren't.

I have danced with the spider. I have cut a caper with the dancing mad god.

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