The man is either mad, or he is making verses.

Dogs, like very small children, are quite mad.

For a while you get mad, then you get over it.

Whom Jupiter would destroy he first drives mad.

Those whom God wishes to destroy he drives mad.

Monsters are the result of the sleep of reason.

To obtain a man's opinion of you, make him mad.

He's mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf.

I like the mad and neurotic pace of television.

All that we are not stares back at what we are.

In a mad world it always seems simpler to obey.

You're always going to be mad about a bad play.

Madmen always think it's the others who are mad.

Men may come and men may go but I go on forever.

Mad desire, when it has the most, longs for more

Men of passion and vision are often seen as mad.

i'm going mad, i told myself. let me not be mad.

A mad who knows that he is mad is not fully mad!

Some people just need something to be mad about.

My means are sane, my motives and my object mad.

I was raised that way: don't get mad, get smart.

I do think you're mad and I'll still go with you.

I ain't mad at anybody. I don't have any enemies.

The sane are madder than we think, the mad saner.

Am I dreaming? Has the world gone mad--or have I?

One is always half mad when one is shy of people.

Whom the mad would destroy, first they make gods.

Make your haters mad! Yeah, make them really mad!

You have to be mad in the language you're mad in.

For mad I may be, but I will never be convenient.

Be prepared to go mad with fixed rule and method.

Run mad as often as you choose, but do not faint!

Resisting madness is the maddest way of being mad.

The man is clear in his mind, but his soul is mad.

A pessimist is one who builds dungeons in the air.

Are we, then, insane because we have not gone mad?

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun.

Tupac is my favorite artist, and he had mad style.

Sell your soul to yourself. You'll make more money.

Every house is a mad-house at some time or another.

How mad it is to summon grim death by means of war!

I believe many people feel like God is mad at them.

Everybody's a mad scientist, and life is their lab.

Whom Fortune wishes to destroy she first makes mad.

It infuriates me to be wrong when I know I'm right.

I get mad quick and and go off at the handle quick.

Yet, mad am I not — and very surely do I not dream.

The mad is either insane or he is composing verses.

I don't know if I ever really get mad in real life.

You can't stay mad at somebody who makes you laugh.

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