I like Malcolm Gladwell.

Malcolm X was a man among men.

David Icke reminded me of Malcolm X.

My cousin Malcolm Lee is also a filmmaker.

'Malcolm X' is my favorite Spike Lee movie.

'Malcolm X' was impressionable for me as a kid.

I grew up reading Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

I identify... with the ideas that Malcolm X stood for.

If you blink, you will miss me, but I am in 'Malcolm X.'

I now believe Malcolm Turnbull is worse than Tony Abbott.

Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X came out of prison stronger.

Not everyone likes sports. Gandhi and Malcolm X come to mind.

When I began my political career, I identified with Malcolm X.

Everyone wants me to be this political person... I'm not Malcolm X.

Ali... we should have gone to see that movie. Malcolm X was another one.

I'd been very partial to Malcolm X, particularly his self-help teachings.

I didn't learn black history in school. I had to go find Malcolm X books.

Doing 'Malcolm and Eddie' was probably the foremost miserable years of my life.

Janet Malcolm's probably the writer I most admire and who's most influenced me.

I love Malcolm Lee and jumped on the opportunity to work with him as a director.

I was about 13 or 14 when I heard Malcolm X's speech 'Message to the Grass Roots.'

We should understand the impact that Malcolm had on the whole of American society.

I met Malcolm the month before he was killed. He deeply changed my mind about America.

When I read Malcolm X, I didn't agree with it all, but I inhaled it; I connected to his rage.

If they had not murdered Malcolm X, there probably never would have been a Black Panther Party.

The two contemporary writers whom I consider as role models are Janet Malcolm and Michael Lewis.

I was never named in the early years as having anything to do with the assassination of Malcolm.

I love 'The Autobiography of Malcolm X.' That was like the only black book we read in high school.

My dad always associated information with liberation. He was very much in that Malcolm X tradition.

What changed our lives forever was when Malcolm had the idea to sell rock 'n roll records to trendy customers.

Playing with Angus and Malcolm, that's a pretty tough gig, mate. That made me the maniac that I am today, no doubt.

Even Angus says that Malcolm is a better guitarist than he is. He makes the drummer's job so easy, he's a metronome.

In Singapore, Malcolm X type of activity would be extremely difficult because the government can be very harsh on lawbreakers.

I think anybody who works with Malcolm, the first thing they go, 'Holy cow! I'm working with Theo!' because that was part of my childhood.

My own perception of Malcolm was one of something that bordered on fascination because I was looking at him and reacting to him as a subject.

Malcolm X raised my consciousness about myself and my people and other people more than any person I know. I knew him before he became Malcolm X.

Malcolm X made me very strong at a time I needed to understand what I was angry about. He had peace in his heart. He exerted a big influence on me.

I am not saying I never hope of ever playing with AC/DC again but, then again, is it even AC/DC any more? No Bon's beautiful voice. No Malcolm. No Brian.

Doc has been my name all my life, and John is my middle name. I'm proud of all my names - Malcolm John Michael Creaux Rebennack. I'm proud of them names.

Under Malcolm Fraser's Liberal governments in the 1970s, large numbers of refugees fleeing Vietnam in wretched boats were taken in without any great fuss.

Malcolm X was the first political person in this country that I really identified with. If he had lived and not been purged, I probably would have joined the Muslims.

If a man like Malcolm X could change and repudiate racism, if I myself and other former Muslims can change, if young whites can change, then there is hope for America.

I'm going to have to call up Spike Lee. I did a cameo for him in 'Malcolm X,' and I'm trying to get him to do my life story and the history of the Black Panther Party.

Malcolm X found the language that communicated across the board, from college professor to floor sweeper, all at the same time, without demeaning the intellect of either.

With guys I revere, like Marcus Garvey or Malcolm X, their look is less about style than purpose and the expression of beauty. It wasn't just about being noticed, you know?

It was a big thing for me to read black writers. 'Fences,' by August Wilson. James Baldwin's 'Amen Corner.' 'The Fire Next Time.' 'The Autobiography of Malcolm X,' of course.

I've lost count of the times I've been asked to 'be' Malcolm Tucker: to go on a political program on television, presumably in order to be the character and give opinions as him.

Because wherever I am today, I still owe it to God and I owe it to two men - the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X and of course, two very special women, my mother and my wife.

He was always - I like to say of Malcolm - he was just simply electrical. Everything he did almost was dramatic, and it wasn't that he was trying to be: it was just the nature of him.

Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad's message made a whole lot of people feel whole again, human being again. Some of them came out and found a new meaning to their manhood and their womanhood.

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