I have no maternal instincts.

The maternal instinct is in me.

I can be maternal with my friends.

I've never been particularly maternal.

Access to maternal healthcare is a human right.

I am not maternal at all. I don't have any kids.

If being a decent soul is being maternal, then fine.

My maternal desires are fully satisfied with my dogs.

Improved maternal health benefits the whole of society.

Success took me to her bosom like a maternal boa constrictor.

Neither left nor right has focused adequately on maternal health.

I expend far too much of my maternal energies on guilt and regret.

I connect with kids easily. They bring out the maternal side in me.

No one believes me when I talk about this, but I'm really, really maternal.

I have no maternal instinct whatsoever. Motherhood holds no interest for me.

South Carolina's lack of access to quality maternal health care is pervasive.

I have nothing maternal in me, and men want to be mothered a lot of the time.

Right now I'm still only 25 and I don't think the maternal bug has hit me yet.

While I resonate deeply with my maternal cultural heritage, I identify as American.

Women always have to have this soft, maternal, sort of - I don't know - moral center.

My maternal grandfather owned a grocery store that also sold kosher meat. He did well.

The very winds whispered in soothing accents, and maternal Nature bade me weep no more.

I always wanted to follow in the footsteps of my maternal grandfather, who was a doctor.

A few countries like Sri Lanka and Honduras have led the way in slashing maternal mortality.

I come from a family of linguists. My maternal grandparents have been authors and translators.

My maternal grandmother was a star on her high school basketball team in small-town Mississippi.

I've always had that maternal thing: that connection with street kids and people who are misfits.

Like lycanthropy, the nerd gene can skip a generation. My maternal grandfather was a technophile.

I am a perfect case study for the transition from no maternal instinct to the love of motherhood.

He bit his lip in a manner which immediately awakened my maternal sympathy, and I helped him bite it.

It's interesting, I had absolutely no maternal instinct. I'm much more interested in young people now.

President Obama has made maternal health one of the core priorities of U.S. international aid funding.

I'm allergic to dogs, so I couldn't even adopt what gay men typically adopt when they have that maternal gene.

I think maternal instinct is a male construct that has been used for centuries to keep women in their place, at home.

Babies did not attract me, and I was altogether without the maternal sense so highly developed in small and adolescent girls.

I would give anything to sit down with my maternal grandmother and have a cup of tea and play Scrabble. She died 10 years ago.

As part of the ritual of becoming a man, my maternal uncle, a judge, and his four sons, each older than me, took me deer hunting.

Not one day of my mother's adult life passed without some critical demand on her maternal role, without some urgent response from her.

I suppose it is easy for an actress to act maternal at any age, since all women have a nurturing instinct after 20, perhaps even earlier.

The states are not free, under the guise of protecting maternal health or potential life, to intimidate women into continuing pregnancies.

I have connected with my family more because I have made a group in which I have added all my family members from my paternal and maternal side.

I'm a childless woman, yet I felt no maternal urges whatsoever. The prospect of years of broken nights and nappy changes holds no appeal for me.

I wanted to get a taste of what it would feel like to be a mum. I've always had a strong maternal instinct and ideally I would love one of my own.

My maternal grandmother would sit, before binge-watching existed, and watch 'Poirot' until the cows came home. You couldn't pull her away from it.

My maternal grandmother was Cantonese, so I'm a quarter Chinese and half Irish and a quarter Scottish and raised by English parents living in Scotland.

Intellectually, Stephen was a towering giant. Bodily, he was as helpless as a newborn. The functions I fulfilled were all maternal rather than marital.

Maternal health remains a staggering challenge, particularly in the developing world. Globally, a woman dies from complications in childbirth every minute.

In order to reverse the maternal health crisis for black women in the U.S., we need concrete policies from our leaders and better protocols from hospitals.

Prenatal care is one of the most effective ways to reduce maternal mortality because it identifies complications or high risks before emergency situations.

I'm half-Welsh, half-Russian. My maternal grandmother is Russian. I've very much a mongrel, which is good in a way because it makes me quite a blank canvas.

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