I would have absolutely messed up 'The Matrix'.

I've had moments where it's like being in the Matrix.

I think the Matrix effect is over-used and I don't do it anymore.

In the Matrix in which Americans live, nothing is ever their fault.

The more I use a matrix, the easier I make it to blame someone else.

Bitmap display is media compatible with dot matrix or laser printers.

The Matrix is top secret. There isn't much that can be said right now.

I was a big fan of 'The Matrix,' and I wanted to work with these people.

Choreography and creativity - it's my matrix; let's see where we can move.

The music industry is a matrix that is counter to what is natural and right.

I can remember exactly where I was when I saw 'The Matrix' for the first time.

Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.

I love 'The Matrix' a lot - I am lucky and blessed to be a part of it, and I believe in it.

Messi is 'The Matrix' - that image when everything slows down, and he can do what he wants.

After 'The Matrix,' I cannot wear sunglasses. As soon as I put them on, people recognize me.

I love my bike, a hybrid Matrix Express, which is fast, cheap, easy to park and good exercise.

I loved 'The Matrix,' so when they asked me to do some animation relating to it, I was thrilled.

We found in 'The Matrix' that people were willing to accept something more. It was a smarter film.

Well I didn't actually see the Matrix but I've seen other movies where with similar sorts of themes.

I think everyone is very surprised at how 'Matrix' has become the pop culture phenomenon that it is.

The first Matrix genius, the second one, what's up with the dancing? I haven't even seen the third one.

Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom.

At the same time, reading an action script... It makes me wonder. Was The Matrix a good script? I don't know.

I've made a lot of stupid action films. But when we made The Matrix, we saw that people wanted more than that.

I love stories like 'The Terminator' movies and 'The Matrix,' where our machines become self-aware and turn on us.

'The Avengers' is exciting on the level 'The Matrix' or 'Indiana Jones' was when I was kid. I think it will be timeless.

Whenever I watch 'The Matrix,' I think that it is possible, but I don't think that it's going to be machines enslaving humans.

I think one of the geniuses of Bound and The Matrix and Memento is the complete collaboration of the effort. There were no rotten apples.

When the fights were over for the second and third 'Matrix,' I thought, 'Okay, I never have to do that again.' It's incredibly stressful.

I've never been attracted to sci-fi per se. People tell me I'm in a genre kind of movie, but it never crossed my mind that 'The Matrix' was genre.

I use computers and the Internet every day of my life, and yet I have absolutely no idea how they work. I'm like a labrador watching 'The Matrix.'

I think when you're doing something cutting edge like 'The Matrix,' it might mean when everybody's saying 'no' that you're really on the right track.

'Speed' and 'Point Break' were a lot of running and jumping, and then 'The Matrix Trilogy' had a lot of fights and wire work and green screen elements.

I would love to play the Femme Fatale or an action role like Trinity in the Matrix or something like that. You know, a part with a lot of costume changes.

When I came out here, my manager thought that casting directors might think I'm a girl, and when I did Threat Matrix, they thought Jamie was a little light.

I definitely acknowledge that 'The Matrix' and Trinity had an influence on female action-oriented characters in television and in film. I think it's awesome.

I've always been interested in the relationship between total external surround, culture, the political matrix, technology, etc., and the internal human consciousness.

I was 30 when I did 'The Matrix.' When you turn 30, your life and your world view change. I remember feeling relieved - it was like I was seeing things in a deeper way.

My movies have always done pretty well in the UK - 'The Matrix' films did very well in this country and I do like the crews here and the people we're working with here.

There are only two types of people in the world. There are the people who understand that this is a matrix, and then there are the people who buy it lock, stock and barrel.

I wanted to do 'Matrix' because when I saw the first one, I was in Paris, and I came out from the movie and said, 'Wow - I've never seen something like that; it's so incredible.'

You can't go looking for another one of those franchises. You only ever get one of those. You get 'Stars Wars'; you get 'Indiana Jones' or get 'The Matrix.' I've had my franchise.

SF isn't a genre; SF is the matrix in which genres are embedded, and because the SF field is never going in any one direction at any one time, there is hardly a way to cut it off.

The question really is how do we get Embassy Officers into the minds of the American business community. That is a much more difficult task than understanding a statistical matrix.

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.

While filming 'The Matrix,' we studied how a Chinese fight-choreography team trains actors before production starts so that they can participate in action sequences in a more dynamic way.

The ideas of science germinate in a matrix of established knowledge gained by experiment; they are not lonesome thoughts, born in a rarified realm where no researcher has ever gone before.

Most people would rather stay home and watch Casablanca for the fourth time or the 10th time on Turner Classic Movies than go see Matrix 12 or whatever the hell the flavor of the month is.

I remember when I saw 'The Matrix' when I was 13, I saw it in the theaters, and I was so blown away by it. It was one of the most memorable experiences I definitely ever had in the theater.

The Matrix itself is not some external evil, but rather an outcome of our own error, our karmic payoff of past actions. Not merely illusion, it is an allusion to a founding myth of our culture.

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