I like that guy Matthew Perry a lot.

I wrote 'Mud' for Matthew McConaughey and had never met him.

I am a huge fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and Matthew McConaughey.

I go to St. Matthews in Pacific Palisades, an Episcopal Church.

I think Matthew Rhys is great. I think he's a phenomenal actor.

When I was younger I looked a bit like Matthew Modine out of 'Birdy'.

If Gary Cooper and Henry Fonda had a baby, it would be Matthew Modine.

Children can tell you what Channel 7 says, but not what Matthew 7 says.

I would say, when it comes to comedy, I think Matthew Broderick was great.

If I just cut out the food, I'd have a six-pack. I'd look like Matthew McConaughey.

Matthew Broderick and Megan Mullally were unbelievable to work with in 'How to Succeed.

Matthew Broderick and Megan Mullally were unbelievable to work with in 'How to Succeed.'

I'm actually named Matthew William Kearney: my middle name is named after my grandfather.

I feel it is time that I also pay tribute to my four writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Just listen to Chris Matthews on any given day and you will see what's acceptable on the Left

My favorite writers are all Jews - David, Solomon, Matthew, Mark - well, you get the picture.

For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. Matthew 12:37

Matthew's all right. Originally, I wanted Errol Flynn, but McConaughey should be good as Dirk Pitt.

I was working with the likes of Steve McQueen, Matthew McConaughey, Viola Davis, just running the gamut.

I like Daughtry, I like Nickelback, I like Dave Matthews. I like Beyonce - she's a really good entertainer.

In 1960, I married Laurose Becker. We have two children: Elizabeth, born in 1961, and Matthew, born in 1963.

The most important sign in Matthew has to be the restoration of the Jews to the land in the rebirth of Israel.

When me and Sheila got married, all we had was an oval table, four chairs, a bed, and a painting by Matthew Smith.

I've been shy twice. Once when I saw Matthew Bomer and once when I saw Adam Levine. I couldn't say anything, literally.

I hated Matthew Bourne's 'Swan Lake' when it first turned up, and then when it was televised, and then when it returned.

Matthew Lowe is one of the great water men that I know. He's a surfer, a great water polo player. I think he's half fish.

For us to think we can enjoy, understand and practice the Christian religion with just Matthew to Revelation is foolishness.

My son Matthew's beloved dog is a Jack Russell. His name is Buster. Matthew picked him as a puppy, when he was tiny himself.

My favorite is Matthew 25: 'The Lord said, 'Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do to me.' I truly believe that.

Quentin Tarantino asked me to work with him but there is no way I am going to do that while Matthew Vaughn is working in film.

When I was aspiring to play for India, I'd look at the Ricky Pontings and the Matthew Haydens and think they were very intimidating.

One reviewer dubbed my first book, 'Getting Rid of Matthew,' 'chick noir,' and another called it 'anti chick lit,' both of which I loved.

Matthew Williamson has always been a favourite of mine, and I am definitely also rooting for up-and-coming designers like Michael van der Ham.

I was lucky enough to play with some great batsman - Matthew Hayden, Steve Smith, David Warner, Adam Gilchrist, Damien Martyn who was a genius.

If I had to pick somebody I really had a crush on right now - solely based on looks alone - it would be Matthew McConaughey. He does it for me.

I was there in 2009 for the Matthew Shepard Foundation dinner. I was honored with an award - Making A Difference Award. It was a wonderful night.

And you work for that demon, right? The one who looks like Matthew Broderick?” “John Cusack,” I corrected. “He looks like John Cusack.” “Whatever.

A friend of mine, Neil Gaiman, had the film rights to his book 'Stardust' bought by producer Matthew Vaughn and suggested I adapt it for the screen.

It was an act of patriotism when we worked to pass a law allowing the prosecution of federal hate crimes in the name of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd.

I've always wanted to hit that, like, '13 Going on 30;' 'Failure to Launch,' Matthew McConaughey; 'What Happens in Vegas,' Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher' wave.

Could Yosef be considered a Man Repeller even though he's a man? I'd love to get my hands on that techni-colored dream coat! Feels very Matthew Williamson to me.

I won't say that the papers misquote me, but I sometimes wonder where Christianity would be today if some of those reporters had been Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

I went to Columbia film school; that's where I met Matthew Weisman. We then became writing partners, graduated, and moved out to Los Angeles. I didn't know a soul.

We 'chicks' have munched our popcorn while romantic comedies became just comedies, and then each female protagonist got recast for Matthew McConaughey or Seth Rogan.

My name is Matthew Walker, I am a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and I am the author of the book 'Why We Sleep.'

The search for inventive ways of telling the tale of Christ's birth has been going on a long time; in a way, difference was there from the start with Luke and Matthew.

Even during the cuts. He was Rust Cohle during the whole day of shooting. It wasn't until the end of the day that he went back to Matthew 'Just Keep Livin' McConaughey.

I spent a chunk of time in New Orleans doing the movie 'Free State Of Jones,' getting to work with Matthew McConaughey, and also did 'Concussion,' where I got to work with Will Smith.

Even now, my husband Jerry, our son Matthew and I live only five minutes away from my parents home, and my brothers live about ten minutes away. It's been great having such a supportive family.

'Tower Heist?' That is a movie that it's hard not to name-drop, but, it's a crew of five, and it's Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, me, Matthew Broderick, and Casey Affleck. And we're like, on a heist.

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