The day you hear someone call me captain will be the day I buy a boat.

Everyone will be judged one day, but it's not up to me to judge somebody.

It's common sense. Here's a problem, here's a solution. What will it manifest to? This drives me every day.

I always try to be nice to the paparazzi because finally, maybe one day, they won't ask for me, and I will regret it.

Give me an entrepreneur with a lot of courage, gusto and who iterates rapidly, and I will back that person day in and day out.

Anyone who has to write an obituary for me one day will probably say, 'She did absolute depths of agony really well.' I'm not, however, an unhappy person.

Even to this day, when someone says something derogatory about Boy George, it still upsets and offends me. Part of me will always be quite attached to him.

The German Emperor is ageing me; he is like a battleship with steam up and screws going, but with no rudder, and he will run into something some day and cause a catastrophe.

Kyle Walker thinks he's quicker than me. In games, it's different: you run different distances, players are in different positions, so I don't know. But one day, we will see!

If I see something really nasty on Twitter, I will usually delete it or block the person because I don't want to see that every day... Get to know me, and then you can talk about me!

One thing I'm particularly proud of is that a convention will usually ask me back for the next year, after I've only been at the show for a day or two, because of my rapport with the fans.

Megan Fox finally listened to me... she is now a salmon fan. She will have salmon at least once a day. She'll go have a bunch of salmon sashimi, and she'll have a cucumber salad and miso soup and some edamame.

According to me, Indian players have a lot of will-power and this ability to learn will definitely put them on the right track. One day the Indians will jump to the European levels and to the levels that count.

Every day I shall put my papers in order and every day I shall say farewell. And the real farewell, when it comes, will only be a small outward confirmation of what has been accomplished within me from day to day.

I think back into when I was in college coming out, what I had to go through, the steps I had to make. And I still play with that chip on my shoulder to this day and I always will, so that's something that'll always stay with me.

For me, it's mostly about having stuff on the street. You're walking down the street, you do it every day, and suddenly there's something that wasn't there yesterday: something bright and cheerful and different. It might stay there for a year; maybe it will disappear.

I think forgiveness is probably one of the greatest forms of self-love there is because you don't do forgiveness for anybody else. My captors will never care if I forgive them... It will not make a day of difference to them at all, but it will make a huge difference to me.

There will come a day when someone calls to tell me my column's been binned, and that will be a really hard day, and I've already got it set up so that they'll ring someone else first - because I don't want to be given that news when I'm walking down the street, because it will be really heartbreaking.

We all know the principle that the polluter pays? Well one day I got to wondering why it is that the polluter seems to get away with it quite so often! Then it occurred to me that if the polluter is going to pay, somebody needs to tell him how much. The proper valuation of natural capital will enable us to say how much.

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