It would be bad form for me to describe people I don't know and don't understand.

Some people say to me, Isn't it too bad that people discovered you so late? I never thought that.

I used to sit in front of McDonald's and ask people for dollars to get me a cheeseburger. It was bad.

I don't have any bad habbits. They might be bad habits for other people, but they're all right for me.

I don't want people to compare themselves to me and feel bad. I want to be inspiring, not to depress them.

I squirrel away sealed greeting cards that people give me so I can open them later when I'm having a bad day.

Bad stories are written about me because the press knows they can make me into a weeping dog and few people will object.

It's ironic - people used to want to suspend me and talk about how bad my behaviour was, but now they like it when I shout and scream.

Too many people try to please their parents. My parents were Republicans, which is too bad, but they allowed me to be who I wanted to be.

I kept telling people, 'I really want to do something like 'Breaking Bad,'' and then people would remind me, 'Krysten, you were on 'Breaking Bad!''

The more people pointed at me in scorn the more stubborn I got and when they began calling me the Bad Girl of West Seattle High, I tried to live up to it.

But what I say to people who don't know me and listen to people who say I'm a bad egg or whatever is that I was club captain at Fulham and club captain at Leeds.

I was a server for a while, and I was a very bad one. So when people tipped me well, I felt like it was like, 'Let's get her out of here so she can get a new job.'

When people compliment me, I don't put much meaning into them, but when they say bad things, I take them too seriously. I try to fix this mentality, but it's hard.

If I was very high-strung, I probably would've knocked a few people out by now, and, you know, you would have seen a bad side of me that probably, hopefully, I'll never show.

I've never been in a relationship before. I've only been in unrequited relationships where people haven't loved me back. I guess I'm a little bit attracted to that in a bad way.

I was very protective of my privacy. I didn't want people to write bad things about me that weren't true, because that's just not fair. Fifty percent of everything written about me is wrong.

I don't react to a tragic happening any more. I took so many bad things as a kid and some people think I don't care about anything. It's just too hard for me to get emotional. I can't cry no more.

The athletic part I never struggled with. It was the promos, the talking and, being uncomfortable in front of the crowd. Especially being a 'bad guy,' having people call me names, that was hard getting used to.

Bring me another bad one, and I shall protect my British people - I brought down Thatcher to protect my people, and I'm bringing down Tony to defend them, and I'll be there for any other dangers that come along.

I did not want people to know that I was a Muslim; I did not want people to know my name or that I did not have an American name. I did not want that. Because I knew if they knew that, they would cast me as the bad guy.

I realized some of the films I did, after a few hits that I had, they weren't working for me because I wasn't comfortable in the roles I was playing. That's why probably people thought I was a bad actress and I don't blame them.

I just played one of the bad guys in Hercules 3D, and I had cornrows. People moved away from me in elevators, that's for sure. I wore them for about three months. After a while, they get a little gnarly, and you have to redo them.

Sometimes I get all the credit, and it makes me feel bad because I'm not the only one out here sacrificing everything. There are people out here on the road with me with kids and families, and they're out here busting their backs for me.

As a coach, one thing that used to frustrate me was one player would make a bad decision, and that's all you would read about in the papers all over the country. We have so many athletes do so many wonderful things for other people, and you never read about it.

The bad thing about being a famous comedian is that every now and then someone approaches me to tell an old joke. Don't tell me jokes - I have that. People also say the weirdest things, sometimes sarcastic things, and even evil things. They like to provoke to get a reaction.

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