Basically, I'm a melodic writer.

People respond to something melodic.

I became a melodic writer after 'Gunn.'

My music has always been strong in melodic content.

I play guitar and I love the Beatles and melodic music.

The music I write is very melodic, very catchy, and fast.

As far as the melodic style, I feel like I'm in my own lane.

Melodic invention is one of the surest signs of a divine gift.

Melodic songs that people can relate to has always been our thing.

I want to keep Flume kind of experimental, weird, melodic, pretty.

I grew up in Southern California and always loved melodic pop music.

I have a very strange melodic gift: melodies come to me effortlessly.

I'm a fan of Miguel's; he's a friend of mine. I like melodic music, you know?

But over a period of time It's the melodic things that are in my head all day.

I love melodic tunes and I think Kannada listeners have an ear for romantic songs.

Just because something is very technical or heavy doesn't mean that it's not melodic.

My favorite solos are all very melodic. Those are the ones that are the most memorable.

When punk came along, it made perfect sense to me. I found it melodic. The Clash, Buzzcocks.

I like what I hear other guys doing, but the thing that really attracts me is melodic playing.

It was Skrillex who got me into dubstep. He made it melodic - not just a bunch of crazy sounds.

I love most melodic music - classical, reggae, big band, jazz, blues, country, pop, swing, folk.

I am a self-taught guitarist. I just try to piece together passages that have some melodic value!

You have to follow every melodic line, every emotional idea, or you don't get your money's worth.

My core thing is gangster rap, but a lot of my music is melodic and carries a message of survival.

I always liked music that was melodic, but that had something a bit more wonky and odd going on too.

If the chords change a lot over the course of a song, it's better to stay within the same melodic structure.

I grew up with so many different sounds, and 'Lost' allows me to express all of it, the melodic and the atonal.

I write in a very melodic way, so that will never leave. I think my records will always tend to be approachable.

I've made three studio albums and one live one with my brother. It's melodic singer-songwriter acoustic-rock music.

The pianist Cecil Taylor is extremely melodic; the guitarist Derek Bailey is extremely melodic, and Ornette Coleman.

Women in music have always been associated with pop - with prettiness, theatricality, melodic hooks and dance beats.

I'm trying to change the root of funk, trying to make it more progressive, more melodic and more lyrically structured.

I believe very strongly in having melodic hooks, whether they're short or intricate, that you really remember in a movie.

I've always loved aggressive, hard, noisy, yet melodic bands, and at the same time I've always loved 'Blue' by Joni Mitchell.

I think what makes me stand out from the rest is my melodic style combined with my voice, which has a distinct character to it.

Just because something is melodic or catchy doesn't mean that it doesn't have depth and substance and progressive sensibilities.

A great melodic line is like a person's soul, and coming up with an original melody, it can be like you are illustrating the soul.

As far as I'm concerned, the essentials of jazz are: melodic improvisation, melodic invention, swing, and instrumental personality.

I was looking for something a lot heavier, yet melodic at the same time. Something different from heavy metal, a different attitude.

I'm mainstream, and I have pretty chart-tastic tastes. I don't often veer away from a big melodic song with big words for big stadiums.

We were just four unknown, aspiring Australian musicians singing happy, uplifting, melodic and inspiring songs, and being true to ourselves.

I want to be the most melodic artist. 'His music ability, the way he write, his creativity is undeniable.' I want people to say that about me.

For several centuries what has passed for song in literary circles was any text that looked like the lyrics for a commonplace melodic setting.

I love the ukulele. It's got a beautiful, melodic tone to it. There's something innocent and romantic, and it's just a grand instrument to play.

The songs in 'Wonderland' don't have a melodic life for me - I'm not a musical person - but they have an emotional life, an emotional echo perhaps.

Punk was key to the early part of me playing guitar. I was really into melodic punk-rock. I related to punk more than Lynyrd Skynyrd or Yes or Van Halen.

I just picked up a lot of classic-rock, melodic influence from my mom, music that she listened to, like 10,000 Maniacs, Led Zeppelin, REO Speedwagon and Yes.

I wanted to be so many different things in the beginning - I wanted to be a rocker, I wanted to be a great songwriter, I wanted to be a great melodic singer.

I realized by using the high notes of the chords as a melodic line, and by the right harmonic progression, I could play what I heard inside me. That's when I was born.

We play melodic music, we play songs, we play all kinds of things and when you improvise you don't just shut out different languages, you use all the languages that you have.

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