Mentoring is an interesting job.

Mentoring artists is something I love.

Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on.

Everything we know, we learned from someone else!

I take my mentoring responsibilities very seriously.

I love mentoring young filmmakers and girl filmmakers.

I love mentoring young girls. I've always been like that.

I feel like I've been mentoring young guys for a long time.

There's natural mentoring that goes on in my life every day.

To recognize another's inwardness is to have seen the sacred.

I love all the mentoring, the public-private partnership ideas.

Mentoring is: Sharing Life's Experiences and God's Faithfulness

Even though I am getting my coaching badges, I am more into mentoring.

I've trained my people in mentoring entrepreneurs and made myself obsolete.

Other than my foundation - mentoring programs - everything I do is for money.

You will learn and grow according to the nature and consequences of your actions.

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.

Trust is something that happens within people only when it is created between people.

Recognize the skills and traits you don't possess, and hire the people who have them.

One way Great Teams can connect their team members together is through the glue of mentoring.

I take mentoring very seriously and as a result I hardly get any work done during the school year.

If you are 'too busy' most of the time, or locked behind closed doors, no mentoring relationship can work.

In a battery, I strive to maximize electrical potential. When mentoring, I strive to maximize human potential.

I'll happily mentor anyone who wants mentoring, and most of that goes on by internet rather than face to face.

The highest manifestation of true leadership is to identify one’s replacement and to begin mentoring him or her.

I have always been a huge believer in the inestimable value good mentoring can contribute to any nascent business

I think you need to have a very strong angel community that is committed to mentoring up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

The recommendation when I'm mentoring folks, I always tell them - and we talked about this last year - take a risk.

I've learned... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

I could not be more proud of the countless lives that I have changed since I began my coaching and mentoring career!

Mentoring is a mutuality that requires more than meeting the right teacher: the teacher must meet the right student.

We have a mentoring and angel investing programme. We are also talking to the government to help create a VC industry.

Mentoring is the last refuge of the older artist. With luck, disciples will keep one's books in print, one's reputation alive.

The path to diversity begins with supporting, mentoring, and sponsoring diverse women and men to become leaders and entrepreneurs.

Small businesses, you can give them capital, but what they often need as much is mentoring, advice and help with their business plan.

The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.

Mentoring is the cultivation of young adults, the tender caring for and nurturing of them so that they will grow, flourish, and be fruitful.

In my teens, I worked as an aide in my community supervising and mentoring youth in various programs and delivering lunches to needy students.

I am very much interested in getting parents to read to children, and trying to get people mentoring children. If I can do both I'll be happy.

Mentoring is about listening to people, helping them go over what the issues are and how to clarify ways to deal with any problems that may arise.

What the tech industry often forgets is that with age comes wisdom. Older workers are usually better at following direction, mentoring, and leading.

Volunteering knows no divides and there is equal value in sorting food at the food bank, mentoring school children, and serving on a nonprofit board.

I love to help with dreams and I love what I do on 'X Factor' as far as the mentoring and helping someone get over nervousness or reach their potential.

I'm a pretty active person. I love yoga, crossfit, Zumba, and got to get that occasional hike in at Runyon Canyon when I can. I also love mentoring youth.

I remember the mentoring experiences of some teachers that I had, like a second term home room teacher in public school that really was very helpful to me.

I get scared to death when I see people who say they've found Jesus Christ, and they're out there, and I wonder, who's teaching them? Who's mentoring them?

I had the benefit of being guided by Lew Wasserman. I think part of being a mentor is you have to have confidence in the people you're guiding and mentoring.

I think it's so important as a woman, and especially as a minority, to lift as you climb. So having people shadow you or mentoring people - that's important to me.

Teachers say their schools of education did not adequately prepare them for the classroom. They would have welcomed more mentoring and feedback in their early years.

As more technology professionals devote more time to mentoring, they will sow the seeds of a future workforce capable of using Internet connections to change the world.

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